Prologue 📱

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A/N: First I'd just like to start off with saying this is my first time doing a text story. It won't be full text chapters but mostly. Some chapters will be non texting too. Any pics I put at the top will be to get an image of where you are at the time of texting. Like so 👆

Also all chapters will be from Y/N POV.

Right so on with the story!!


As always on a Saturday night I'm sitting at home doing my homework while everyone from my school are at parties doing whatever they do.

My parents are in bed and my older brother is at a party himself as we speak. A work party event shall I say so I'm not allowed to go with him anyway.

My phone pinged a message and it could only be my brother since my parents are in bed and I don't have friends so I picked it up from my side table next to my bed and opening it up without checking who it is.


Unknown: you are mine.


At first I frowned at the text message, but then come to realise maybe someone from school found my number and decided to try and freak me out or something. So I rolled my eyes ignoring it and putting it back down on my side table and decide to call it a night and finish my homework tomorrow for something to do other than walk my dog.

I slipped into my bed covers and turned off my lamp that was placed just beside me on my side table and decided to get some sleep, ignoring my phone lighting up with text messages that I don't care about in the least.


Unknown: you are mine.

Unknown: I've been watching you.

Unknown: and I like what I see.

Unknown: even my brothers.

Unknown: you can't ignore me.

Unknown: YAH!!

Unknown: Oh, you're asleep. Sleep well my love. I'll watch over you.


A/N: I know this chapter is short but the rest won't be I promise you. I'll most likely write the other chapters like this too.

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