Chapter 2💗

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                        previously: "hello, soulmate."

    I blushed slightly and looked down at my lap. Jimin chuckled and I heard a smack. I quickly looked up and saw that Jin must have hit him. I giggled quietly. everyone looked back over to me and I shyly looked back. "h-hello," I said and waved both my hands. I heard a couple of them 'aw' at my behavior. I looked down shyly and played with my hair. then Namjoon spoke up. "so, your our last soulmate, huh?" I looked up and nodded. they all smiled and some of them blushed slightly. then Taehyung walked over to me and got down to my level since I was still sitting in a chair. "can I hug you please?" he looked at me with hesitance and excitement. I smiled and nodded. he smiled his boxy smile and gave me a bear hug. I giggled and hugged back. 

  "hey! i  want a hug from Y/N!" said Jungkook. I blushed slightly and giggled. "can I have one, Y/N?" asked Jimin. I giggled, " you can all have a hug" some of them cheered while others started getting up to come to me. "group hug!" Hoseok said. everyone agreed and they all gathered around me and hugged eachother, then pulled me into the hug. the nly thing that was running through my mind was 'holy fuck im hugging BTS, and there my soulmates'.

   we all separated after awhile and Namjoon was the first to speak. "so, we all need to get going, and im sure you have someone waiting for you, so heres all our numbers, and we will figure out how to see eachother again, okay?" he said. I frowned slightly, but nodded and gave him my phone so he could put there numbers in. he did so, and they all gave me a farewell hug before I left. they looked just as upset as I was, but it was inevitable. I walked over to Serenas car smiling like an idiot. I got in and they both turned to me with concerned looks. "what happened? and what took you so long?" Willow asked. I smiled and they seemed to relaxs just a little bit. "im okay and everything was fine. I just forgot something of mine and they wanted to make sure it was mine before they got rid of it." I said. I felt bad for lying but what was I supposed to say? 'hey guys, oh by the way, im soulmates with BTS, yes the BTS. but done worry about it.'? no, I couldn't. plus, I don't know if they want me to tell anyone. they both relaxed and smiled. "good, I was scared you did something wrong and we would have to bail you out of jail." said Serena. I laughed and they both turned around  and started the car. I sighed and looked out the window. I watchted the buildings go by while I got stuck in thought. 

   I am the BTSs soulmate. and they actually accept me. I thought they would say they weren't interested in a relationship, or that they didn't want to be with me because they didn't believe in soulmates. im surprised they are even my soulmates. I thought I would get stuck with people that hated the idea of soulmates or not being able to find there own true love or something. but what im most worried about is how this is gonna work. for the soulmate bond you have to be with eaachother 24/7 for a little while after bonding or you will be physically and mentally exaughsted. because after the bond you have to seal the bond before going on your own. im kinda worried how we are gonna do that, but since they all already found eachother they had to go through it already so they will know what to do, right? I hope that's how its gonna work. ill text them once I get home so we can talk about it.

  I got snapped out of my thoughts by Willow trying to get my attention. "Y/N!" "hm? yeah?" "we are at your house! get out or I will drag you out!" said Serena. I scoffed and looked at them. "geez guys, kinda sounds like you wanna get rid of me." I playfully argued. Willow rolled here eyes. "well if you wanna go to bed sooner, then shouldn't you be exited to be home?" she questioned. I perked up at her question and quickly opened the door. "okay, thanks for the ride, ill be off now. Have a good night!" I said while getting out. I heard them laughing while I ran to the front door of my house. I unlocked it and stepped inside. I closed and locked it behind me while taking off my shoes. I walked up to my bedroom and changed into a oversized shirt that used to be my brothers until I stole it form him the last time I visited and some pajama shorts.

  I walked to the kitchen and got myself something to eat. then I went to the living room with my food and sat on the couch while turning on the tv. I watched a random channel until I was done with my food. I then brought my dish to the kitchen and washed it. then went back to the living room and turned off the tv. I looked at my phone and sighed. should I text them? I probably should so they have my number to. I decided to text Namjoon first since hes the easiest to talk business with. 


hey! its Y/N.

he responded almost immedeatly 

from: Namjoon

hey! great to hear from you. is it cool if I put you in a gc with all the boys?


sure, I don't mind

I then get a notification that I was added to a groupchat.


has anyone seen my comb? I cant find it


really? that's the second time this week!

from: Taehyung

actually, the fourth...


um, hi?


guys, that is Y/N. I invited her here so we could talk about the effects of the soulmate bond and how we are gonna do this.

from: Hoseok

oh! welcome to our groupchat then! so, how much about the soulmate bond do you know?


well, I know that we have to stay around eachother for a while after we bonded.

from: Jimin

good! so you know enough for what we need to talk about!

from: Seokjin

well, we need to be around eachother for a little while, at the most, two weeks. but, as you know, we are all really busy, but that dosent mean we wont make some time for you.


what we wanted to do is take you with us for a little while everywhere we go. but we understand that you have a life to, so if that's not okay with you then we will find a different way.


no, I wouldn't mind. the only thing I have to do is work, but I work from home anyway, so it wouldn't really bother me.


lol okay then I guess you should pack some clothes, because you would have to stay with us to.

from: Y/N

oh okay. when would I be going?


probably tomorrow because we cant lose any energy or we wont be able to practice.

from: Y/N


I sent them my address and texted Serena and Willow that I wouldn't be able to hang out with them for awhile because I was visiting my family. they texted back and told me it was fine. I went upstairs and started packing. once I was done with that I plopped onto my bed and cuddled up into my blankets. after just a couple minutes I finally fell asleep.

hey, this chapter isn't as good as I wish it could be but I decided to write this on my moms laptop to see how it work. so sorry for any typos or spelling errors. im not the best at typing on a computer heh. 

1363 words 

Meant to be { Bts X reader soulmate au } DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now