Chapter 13 💜

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   We all spent the rest of the day talking to our famlies and trying to get them to come. I only had one person to talk to so I've been chilling in mine and Kookies shared room. My brother is the only person in my family i really talk to anymore so i asked if he could join us and he agreed. Kookie was next to me on his bed talking on the phone with what i beleive is his sister. 

  He soon after hung up and sighed. I looked over at him to see he was already looking at me. I smiled and he smiled back. We sat around in our room for awhile until we heard a knock on the door. I said a small 'come in' and saw Yoongis head peak in. "Everyone is gathering in the living room to see who all is coming." He said then walked out.

  We walked into the living room and see everyone already there. "lets get started then."

We talked and sorted out everything for a few minutes then everyone started explaining who all is going. Jin said his parents and his sister will be going, Yoongi said no one will be going, Hobi says his sister is going, we already know who all is going for Joonie, Jimins mom and step father is going, Taes grandpa and brother is going, and finally, Kookie said his dad and two sisters are going.

  They asked me who was going for me last. "Oh just my brother, though he said he might not make it so im not sure yet." i said and they nodded. 

                                                              ~a few weeks later/ three days before Christmas~

   We were all packed into the car with our luggage and headed towards our destination.  i asked everyone what there family was like and what i got was almost all of them are really nice, except Jimins step dad and Joonies parents. So i just had to be careful around them.  We talked and laughed the whole way there, until everyone but the driver and one person to keep the driver company fell asleep. 

  I felt someone gently shake me awake, i looked up and saw Hobis smiling face. "We're here!" he said then lightly dragged me out of the car. I looked around and saw we were in front of a huge house. My jaw dropped ever so lightly and i heard Hobi chuckle next to me. "Joonies parents own this house, i've only been here a few times but its really nice." he said then dragged me to the door. 

  I started getting really nervuos but tried my best to hide it. Imagion how my brother feels surronded by people he dosent know-

  Joonie stepped up and rang the doorbell, soon after a maid opened it and allowed us in. We walked around, looking for where everyone was. We finally found them in the dining room having a late dinner. I looked around and noticed my brother sitting next to someone who looks around his age, laughing queitly and joking around. I smiled at the sight and finally looked at everyone else at the table.

  They noticed us soon after and decided to lead the group to the living area place. Once we all got there the boys' family started asking about where i was. Truth is i was just standing behind them but they are so tall compared to me you couldnt see me. They all moved so i could be seen and i smiled and bowed. "Hello everyone, i'm Kim Y/N. Its nice to meet you all." I said them stood up straight. most of them smiled at me and greeted me back. After my introduction everyone sepreated to there families. I walked over to Yoongi who looked a little out of place. He noticed me standing there and smiled. 

  "Come greet my brother with me, you two would get along great." he smiled at me so i took his hand and led him to my brother, who was waiting for me to walk over. 

  "Y/N, how dare you not call me for two months straight then decide to invited me to a weird family get together and then walk over to me with one of your soulamtes and introduce us right away?!?!" he scolded and flicked my forehead. "ow! dude what the heck!" he continued scolding me until i slapped my hand over his mouth. I looked at Yoongi to see him trying not to laugh. I rolled my eyes and introduced Yoongi and my brother.

  "Yoongi. this is my brother, Yejun. Yejun, this is one of my soulmates, Yoongi." i said then took both of there hands and made them shake each other. They started there own little conversation so i took this as a chance to look around and see what everyone else is doing. I looked at Kookie and saw he was being hugged by one of his two sister. She looked a lot like Jungkook, and so did the other sister. they looked like triplets. i looked at his father and saw he was looking fondly at the three. you could definitely tell they were related.

  I looked over to Tae and saw him talking to his grandpa while he had his brother in a headlock, obviously not squeezing hard. I laughed a little at the sight.

  I then focused my eyes more on Jimin. He was talking with his mother while his step dad sat there looking upset about something. i was confused as to what, but i was hoping it wasnt anything bad.

  i heard a cute giggle and looked over to the direction of the sound to see Hobi with his sister, who had Hobi in a headlock with her giving him a nuggie. i smiled and turned to looked at Joonie and his parents. He seemed very tense while talking to them. they seemed to be suggesting something to him as he politely declined each one.

I turned back to my brother and Yoongi and saw them laughing about something. I smiled and listened into there conversation. "So since she didnt get her way she started crying, but then once she got what she wanted she shut up and was in a good mood for the rest of the day." Yejun said and Yoongi started laughing again. "Y/N really did that when she was younger??" Yoongi said between laughs. I blushed once i realized they were talking about me. I slapped Yejuns arm and scolded him for telling people my old habits. They laughed at me and i pouted and crossed my arms. Yoongi laughed and put his arm around me. "Well at least the stories are cute." he said and i hid my face in embarrasment. 

  Yejun laughed and they finally changed the subject. After awhile of talking we all decided to head to bed. we ended up getting three different rooms so we can have a little space. Tae and I ended up getting the one at the very end of the hall. The room next us had Hobi Jimin and Jin. The last room had Namjoon Yoongi and Kookie. Tae and i went to our respective room and got ready for bed, soon falling asleep in eachothers arms.

The fact that I said I wanted to get these chapters out before christmas is kinda funny-

They probably wont be out till sometime next year, but I'll try and finish them before February starts-

Have a good day/night my beautiful butterflies 💖🦋

1255 words

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