Chapter 12

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Draco's POV

I laid on my bed in the dorm, not knowing what to do. My homework was done and Blaise was gone with my broom, so I couldn't go fly. My thoughts went from a subject to another but kept coming back to Granger. The words she had told me with her soft voice, her perfect features, how I had carried her to the dorm last time. If only I could have done this again, carry her in my arms. 

I tried for the thousandth time to think about something else. The clues... Wait... Granger had said that Dumbledore had given her the book through his testament, right? What if McGonagall knew something about it? 

I bolted up, happy to have a good excuse to talk to Granger. If only I could have called her by her first name... I've had always seen her from far, always had wanted to talk to her, always had felt like she was the kind of person who could have understood me... I was feeling more and more like this was probably true. 

I achieved to reach the library in only three minutes. She sat at the same table. 

Hermione's POV

I watched as he entered the library and approached me, walking in his usual elegant way. He looked so beautiful... Tall, thin without being underweight, with pale, delicate skin, a pointed chin, a fine nose, ashen hair, and beautiful grey eyes. He looked so casual and perfect like he had no weaknesses. Though knowing that he did have some weaknesses made me love him even more.

He stopped in front of me and casually leaned on the table.

«What if McGonagall knows something? Dumbledore gave you the book, so he might have told her something», he said with a little bit of excitement in his tone, his silvery voice resonating in my head long after he had finished his sentence.

«Yes, maybe. We could ask her», I said before looking back at my book reluctantly. 

«Let's go then», he said.

«What? Now?», I asked, surprised.

«Yes, now», he answered, taking the book out of my hands and going away with it, forcing me to stand up.

«Will you ever learn to ask for permission before taking someone's stuff?», I snapped at him without really being angry.

«Sorry princess, have it back», he answered without looking at me, holding the book with his arm extended for me to come and take it.

I had to run a little bit to catch up, and when I was about to take the book, he lifted his arm slightly, making me grab air. 

«Oops, sorry», he said with a cocky voice that indicated very well that he wasn't sorry before extending his arm just as he did before.

I tried to grab the book again, hoping he wouldn't do it a second time. He did it. Then he turned around, a smirk on his face. A year ago I might have hated this smirk. Now, it felt magical. I decided that pretending to be offended would be the best thing to do.

«Malfoy, give me my book back», I ordered with a warning tone.

He pulled his tongue at me in a childish and playful way. 

«Quit being a kid and give it back!», I said, becoming angry for real.

«I won't give it back, you'll need to come and take it yourself», he said as he turned his head away from me.

Soon enough, we were in front of the entrance of the headmistress's office. With the help of a teacher that was passing by, we ended up sitting in front of her desk pretty quickly as she stared at us, waiting for us to talk. Malfoy was the one to start talking, explaining the situation, as I added details from time to time.

To my surprise (seemed like to Malfoy's surprise too) a smile appeared on her face. 

«Dumbledore did tell me something about this. Unfortunately, you'll need to wait until Christmas break before being able to go to Gringotts. I don't know what exactly all this is about, but I'm sure you'll know as soon as you get there», she had said.

In short, we were out of her office without having discovered much new information. 

Malfoy still had my book in his hand. He stared at me, his smirk reappearing on his face before he started going away, keeping the book. 

«Malfoy! Come back here!» I said as I started to run after him. 

Unfortunately for me, he started running too. We ran in the corridors. When he was beginning to be too far away from me, he stopped and turned to look at me, usually throwing some sly remark. We ended up in the common room, that was empty at that time of the day. I continued running after him, he continued just teasing me, his cheeks getting slightly pink after running so much. Unlike me, he didn't look really tired, whilst I was breathing heavily at this point. Finally, he sat down on the couch with a sigh. 

«Well, that was fun», he said, seemingly satisfied.

«So you'll give it back?» I asked, still panting.

«No», he answered, his tone still playful.

I sat by him, lazily extending my arm to try to take my book. He just raised his arm, making it impossible for me to reach. I melted on the sofa, trying to regain some energy. He just looked down at me, his smirk yet again on his face. Suddenly, I had an idea. His arm was still extended, exposing his side. I smiled. No, I smirked... His smirk was becoming contagious... 

When he saw me smirk, his own smirk started to fade. Then, I pounced, starting to tickle him. His eyes widened, his smirk completely disappearing from his face before he started laughing.

«Stop it! Please! I won't do it again, I promise!» he said in between laughs as he curled up, trying to avoid being tickled.

«Oh, I didn't know you were that ticklish», I said, I wide smile on my face. 

«I give up!» he said as he caught his breath, giving me my book back.

We then just sat there for a long moment in front of the lit fireplace in comfortable silence, both tired after running and laughing so much.

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