Date Preparation

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"Y/n, don't you have to get r e a d y for your d a t e?" Avani said.
"Oh my god how did I not remember," I said, "Will you guys watch her while I'm gone?"
"Of course," Jaden said, "How are you Anastasia?"
"I'm good Uncle Jaden," Anastasia said, "Do you have a girlfriend?"
Jaden laughed a little.
"No Ana I don't," Jaden said.
I went upstairs and took a shower. I wrapped a towel around me and one around my hair.
"Girls!!!!!" I yelled.
I heard people coming upstairs.
"Yes??" Cynthia said.
"Okay I need help," I said, "I really like him and I want to make a good impression tonight. Can you help me get ready?"
"Yes of course!!" Addison said.
Addison, Nessa, and Avani were picking out my outfit, Dixie and Charli were doing my hair, and Cynthia was doing my makeup.
"Thank you all so much," I said.
"Of course," Charli said.
"Anyways, this is fun so it's okay," Nessa said.
We all laughed. At about 7, they finished my hair and makeup. I put on the outfit they picked out for me.
Your outfit (pick one):

Your outfit (pick one):

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I walked out of the bathroom and the girls started hyping me up

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I walked out of the bathroom and the girls started hyping me up.
"YESSSSS BITCHHH!" Charli yelled.
I laughed a little. I went downstairs and the boys started hyping me up.
"WOOOOOOW," Josh said.
I laughed.
"You guys are the best," I said.
Anastasia came up to me.
"Uncle Anthony taught me a new word," Anastasia said.
"Oh yeah babe what is it?" I said.
"Beautiful," Anastasia said, "He said it means when someone is really really pretty, you say that they are beautiful. So Mommy, I think you look beautiful."
I almost started crying. I literally made this face: 🥺. I picked her up and kissed her head.
"You're beautiful too Ana," I said.
"I'm tired," She said.
"Okay baby I'll put you to bed," I said.
I walked back upstairs and changed her into pajamas.
Her pajamas:

I tucked her in and kissed her cheek

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I tucked her in and kissed her cheek. I went back downstairs and sat on the couch. I sat next to Bryce and Cynthia.
"I'm so nervous," I said.
"Just be yourself," Bryce said.
"You should get going," Charli said, "It's already 7:30."
"You're right," I said, "Bye guys love you."
"Byyyyyye," They all said.

The One - Mattia Polibio V1Where stories live. Discover now