Jaden's Live

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Jaden went live on instagram.
"Yo, is it okay if Josh and Bryce come in?" Jaden said.
"As long as they don't mess shit up then it's okay," I said.
Literally seconds later they burst through the door.
"What the fuck," Cynthia said.
"How long were you guys there for?" I said.
"We came a few minutes after Jaden got here," Bryce said.
"Ewww you creeps," I said.
We all laughed.
"Put clothes on," Josh read from the comments.
"No," I said and smiled.
"What if I just get naked?" Cynthia said.
Mattia covered his eyes.
"I'm joking dumb fuck I don't want Jaden's account to be fucked," Cynthia said.
"Have you ever seen someone in your friend group who you weren't dating naked?" Jaden read from the comments.
"Yeah," We all said in unison.
"Me and Cynthia shower together sometimes," I said.
We all laughed.
"No but seriously," Cynthia said.
"Yeah I've showered with Josh before," Jaden said.
"Me too," Bryce said.
"I've seen all of the boy's dicks just not Mattia's," I said.
They all looked at me surprised.
"That's wack," Bryce said.
We all laughed. I put music on and Cynthia and I started dancing.
"Y'all on crack huh?" Josh said.
"Yes," I said.
"Can we teach you how to twerk?" Cynthia said.
"Pleaseeeeeee," I begged.
"Fineeee," They all finally agreed.
"Okay so what you want to do is bend over like you're gonna sit down," I said, showing them.
"Not like that Bryce you idiot what kind of chair are you sitting on," Cynthia said.
We all laughed. We taught them how and we danced around and acted stupid for a while. We were on the live until about 11.

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