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"You know," Mattia said, "You're really hot."
"Mattia you have a girlfriend," Cynthia said.
"I bet you're good in bed," Mattia said, taking a sip from his drink.
"I have a boyfriend and you have a girlfriend Mattia," Cynthia said.
"That doesn't mean anything," Mattia said.
He grabbed her face and kissed her. She pulled away and pushed him.
"You're disgusting," Cynthia said and wiped her lips off.
I felt my heart breaking. They both turned and saw me. I was in tears. Mattia came over to me.
"Get away," I said.
"Baby," Mattia said and grabbed my arm.
"Don't call me that," I said and pushed him away.
Cynthia came over and put her arm around me.
"Baby that didn't mean anything," Mattia said.
"Am I not good enough for you?" I said, crying.
"I never said that," Mattia said, grabbing my hand.
"Don't touch me," I said, "Get away from me!"
He pulled his hand away. Me and Cynthia started walking back to the room.
"I'm coming," Jaden said, getting up from the couch.
The other girls looked at me concerned. I was balling my eyes out. We went back up to my room. I opened the door and we went in.
"Yaaay you're back!" Kairi said.
He looked at me.
"What's wrong?" He said, hugging me.
"Nothing Kai," I said, "Don't worry about it."
"Y/n," Kio said.
"I'm fine," I said and smiled.
I sat on my bed and Kairi played with my hair. Cynthia and Jaden were trying to make me feel better.
"Why won't you tell me what happened?" Kairi said.
"It doesn't matter," I said.
I heard the door open. I got up and saw him, Mattia.
"Baby I'm sorry," Mattia said.
"Get out," I said.
"I didn't mean it," Mattia said, grabbing my arm.
"You're just like the rest of them Mattia," I said, "I thought you were different. I really did. I thought maybe you actually cared. I thought you could be the father to Anastasia. I thought you loved me."
"I do love you," Mattia said, crying.
"If you loved me so much you wouldn't have been flirting with Cynthia," I said, sobbing, "If you loved me you wouldn't have kissed her. If you loved me you would've listened when I told you to stop drinking. You don't love me Mattia."
"I'm sorry okay," Mattia said, "I get it, I messed up. Everyone makes mistakes."
"Maybe your mistake was dating me," I said.
I took off the promise ring and threw it at him.
"Get out," I said, "Go somewhere else. I don't want to see you right now."
He picked up the ring.
"Baby," Mattia said.
"Go," I said.
He looked into my eyes. I turned away. He sighed and left the room.
"Oh Y/n," Kairi said, hugging me.
I broke down in his arms. Kio came and joined the hug.
"Why wasn't I good enough?" I said, crying, "Did he only want me for my body?"
"No no no, Y/n," Kairi said, "He loves you, he really does."
"Clearly not," I said.
"I'll be back," Jaden said, getting up.
"Where are you going?" Cynthia said.
"You'll see," Jaden said, "Be back in like 20."
I laid and cried for what felt like forever. I heard the door open. It was Jaden.
"I got food," Jaden said.
I laughed a little. We all ate then put a movie on. I fell asleep cuddling with Cynthia.

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