Chapter 3

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Before you start reading, I would like to thank my friend Aditya Kumar (I feel so weird calling you by your actual name) for helping me in editing this book. Since I writing in a guy's perspective too he was of great help. I don't know how he bared with grammatical errors. But anyway, thanks for helping me, dude!
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I woke up at 4 today. Luckily I'm able to sleep a bit more because of the sleeping pills my doctor gave me. I sighed thinking I can't survive on sleeping pills for the rest of my life. I decided to get up and carry on with my daily chores. It is a weekend anyways so I don't have any rush.

After a long bath and a good cup of coffee, I felt energized. I opened my door to get the newspaper when I spotted my neighbour coming out of her house.

She was an adorable granny whose son is studying abroad right now. She is so sweet that anytime she makes something good she will give some amount to me. I smiled and called out, "Halmeoni! How have you been lately?"

She smiled at me and said, "I'm fine, dear. Just a little tired these days."

I looked at her with worry and said, "Oh is it so? Halmeoni just tells me when you are free so I can take you to the doctor."

She smiled at me and cooed "Aigoo don't worry about me. I'm a strong halmeoni!"

I smiled at her reassurance and said, "Even then if you need me, please call me."

She nodded and said, "Child, come with me for a minute."

I nodded in acknowledgement and followed her into her house. She went straight to the kitchen and brought out a lunch box. She handed it to me and told me, "Child, you have been looking so unwell lately so I decided to make porridge for you."

I smiled with gratitude and joked around, "Halmeoni, you always say that I look weak."

She smiled and said, "I'm not lying, these days you look very weak. Especially after he left."

My smile dropped upon hearing that. She sensed the change of mood and said, "Omo did I say something wrong?"

I smiled in reassurance and said "Of course not. But if you would excuse me I will be going back. I have a lot of assignments these days."

She nodded and said, "Study hard my child, and please do come over for tea sometime." I smiled and said, "Of course".

I bowed and walked back to my apartment.

I walked over to the bathroom mirror and stared at my reflection. Halmeoni is right, I do look undernourished. I sighed and decided to eat the porridge. I was about to cry, while memories washed over me yet again...

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It had been only a day after our date and I already fell ill. I shouldn't have eaten the ice cream despite knowing that it would rain. I felt my whole body ache and immense soreness in my limbs. I limply reached out for my phone and called my professor to tell him that I won't be able to come to uni today.

I decided to sleep after the call, but within a few minutes, I got a call on my phone. Without looking at the caller ID I picked up the phone and weakly said, "Hello?" That's when I tried his concerned voice asking "y/n are you okay?"

I mentally cursed myself for forgetting to call and tell him that I won't be going to uni today. I weakly spoke, "Taehyung-shii I won't be able to come to the uni with you today. I'm down with fever." He spoke in a rather guilty voice, "I shouldn't have offered you the ice cream." I smiled and reassured, "Hey don't worry, I'll recover quickly." He sighed and said, "Yeah, I hope so."

I nodded and said, "Hey, can I talk to you later? I want to sleep for a bit." He replied, "Yeah, sure! Take care!" So we ended the call and I decided to sleep.

It has been around an hour since I called her and I can't stop worrying. I hope she can take care of herself. I have been sitting in the hall, impatiently staring at the clock above the blackboard, waiting for the lecture to get over. As soon as the teacher dismissed us, I took my books and rushed out of the classroom. I went to the nearest pharmacy and bought some medicines. Then I walked to her house and rang the doorbell, hoping she was okay.

After an hour or two of sleeping, I woke up upon hearing my doorbell ring. I opened the door to see him standing outside. He looked at me with a concerned look and said, "The condition seems worse than I thought it would be."

I shifted aside to let him in and asked, "Don't you have uni today?" He shrugged and said, "The majority of our professors didn't come today so we had classes only in the morning." I hummed in acknowledgement.

He turned to me and said, "I think you should lay down for a bit while I prepare something for you to eat." My heart warmed upon hearing that. I didn't refuse and laid down on my bed.

I dropped my bag on the sofa and walked up into the kitchen. I observed the kitchen and noticed that she likes to keep her kitchen clean. Everything in her cupboard and fridge was neatly placed and properly labelled. She seemed to be a minimalist because she didn't have too many plates or dishes and she had just the amount of food required to sustain her for a month.

Since it was the first time I was in her house, it took me a while to find all the ingredients. I dropped all the ingredients into a pot and let it boil for a bit. I'm glad that I learned the basics of cooking because, during times like these, I can be of some use.

I was drifting off to sleep again when he came to my room with a bowl of porridge and some medicines. "I made you a bowl of porridge cause I felt that will be the only thing you can eat right now," he said. I smiled and nodded as I took the porridge from him.

I asked, "Where did you find the medicine? I don't remember having any with me." He answered, "I bought some on my way here." I looked at him with gratitude and said, "I'm sorry for burdening you." He swatted his hand and told, "I didn't find it a burden so don't apologize". I smiled and started eating.

After having a meal, we had a small conversation and we watched a movie together. By then it was already past 6 so he said he had to leave. I nodded and followed him to the door.

While he was wearing his shoes I told him, "Thank you for today. Now I'm pretty sure I will recover by tomorrow." He smiled at that and said, "Good you should, I can't bear to see you this weak." I smiled at that. He chuckled and patted my head and said, "Okay, I'll leave now, so take care of yourself." I mockingly saluted and said, "Yes, sir!" He chuckled at my immaturity and waved a bye. I squeaked a "Bye!" back and closed my door as he started to leave.

I smiled like a fool and went to sleep.

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Hi guys! How was it? Sorry for the short chapter. I promise the next chapter will be longer than this (But it might take a bit long). I feel like this is my least favourite chapter because it seems too cliche. What do you guys think of it? Comment down below and let me know!

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