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Jughead's POV

'What is it, is she okay'; I asked looking at her. 'Well the good news is, she's alive and is going to make it'; she said and I sighed in relieve. 'The bad news is, during the surgery she flatlined and slipt into a coma, she will probably wake up, but we don't know when, it could be tomorrow, in a few weeks, months and worst case scenario a year. She also lost the baby'; she said with sympathy. A coma, baby. 'She was pregnant'; I asked. 'Yes, she had blood coming from her lady era and the baby was conceived from rape'; she said and looked sad. 'When can me and our daughter see her'; I asked trying to proces the fact that Betty was raped, again. 'You and her can see her now, she's in room 301'; she said and left. A tear left my eye before I walked to my family. 'Jules we can go see mommy, but she's asleep baby and we don't know when mommy is gonna wake up'; I said. 'Okay daddy'; she said hugging me. 'I am going to tell the rest what happened, you go play with Sam, I will get you when we go to mommy'; I said kissing her cheek and letting her go. 'She's in a coma'; I told them. 'They don't know when she'll wake up, she can be like this for months'. 'She was also pregnant and lost the baby, it was from rape'; I whispered and Cheryl, Toni and Kevin silently cried. 'She also flatlined during the surgery, dad I can't lose her'; I said as tears left my eye. Dad hugged me and said: 'she will make it, she is so strong she will come back for you and Jules'.
'Come Jules, let's see your mom'; I said and picked her up.

There I saw her, the love of my life. Pale, laying lifeless in a bed, hooked up on a machine. 'Mommy'; Juliet screamed. 'Baby, she can't hear us'; I said and looked at me sad. 'Can I talk to her'; she asked. 'Of course Jules,go ahead, maybe mommy will wake up'; I said and she walked towards Betty. I sat down on the chair and she carefully sat on the side of the bed. 'Mommy please wake up. I want to get ice cream with you and daddy. We need to get a dog and I want a brother or sister. Also, daddy really misses you, he loves you and cries a lot. I love you mommy'; she said and I just let the tears come. 'Daddy don't cry, mommy is gonna be okay and we are gonna be a happy big family'; she said sitting on my lap, wiping my tears away. 'I'm sorry sweetie'; I said. 'It's okay daddy, I miss mommy too'; she said and hugged me. I hugged her back and kissed her hair. 'Jules can I talk to your mom alone, go play with grandpa okay'; I asked and she nodded. She got up and left.

'Betts, I need you to wake up'; I said sitting next to her bed, holding her hand. 'I love you, so much, we all do, but if it's to painful to stay on earth, you can let go, love'; I said crying while holding her hand. 'Baby, I need to go to our daughter, I love you and by the way, we need to work when you get better, Jules wants a brother or sister'; I said, kissing her forehead walking away.

'WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER ELIZABETH COOPER'; Alice yelled. 'Alice'; I said as I walked out of Betty's room. 'Jughead where is she'; she asked. 'She's in that room, she's in a coma'; I said. 'W-what'; she said as tears left her eyes. 'She lost too much blood and she lost the baby'; I said. 'She was pregnant'; she asked. 'It was from rape'; I said. 'Oh my god, my poor baby'; she said. 'You can go see her'; I said and she just nodded.

'Daddy, how is mommy'; she asked. 'I don't know sweetie'; I said. 'Let's go home, get you to bed, your mom would kill me if you don't go to sleep'; I said chuckling thinking about her yelling at me for letting Juliet stay awake late. 'Okay daddy'; she said. I looked at the rest and said they could go if they wanted to.

'Daddy, do you think mommy will be okay'; Juliet asked after I tucked her in her bed. 'I hope so sweetie, but don't forget, your mommy is a very strong woman'; I said. 'Now go to sleep, I already hear your mommy yelling at me for keeping you up until this hour'; I said and she giggled. 'Goodnight daddy, love you'; she said. 'I love you too sweetheart'; I said kissing her head and leaving her door. God I hope Betty will wake up.

Sorry for grammar/ spelling mistakes

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