Chapter 20

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Kate worked a ton during the next week, so much that she barely got a chance to see Andrew. He came to meet her for coffee during a double shift, and they'd Facetimed several times, but her work schedule had been nuts, mostly so she could take off for Lila's first day of school and be there for her girl on the big day. Lila was to start school on a Friday, and it was mostly an introductory day to meet teachers, get books and situate herself. Kate's brothers' children all attended the school as well, and her sister-in-law Robyn had asked Kate if Lila could sleep at her house on Friday night.

"I always host all the kids at my house after the first Friday, it's a tradition, so of course, we need to get Lila in on it," Robyn said excitedly, and Kate grinned. "That sounds really fun. Lila will be excited to play with Elizabeth and Ava," Kate remarked, referring to her nieces who were close in age to Lila. "I really want to thank you guys for making Lila's transition so easy, Rob," Kate told her sister-in-law sweetly, and Robyn smiled. "Kate, it just feels complete now that you and Lila are with us at Harvard-Westlake," Robyn gushed. "Our whole family together," she added.

The morning of the big first day, Lila dressed in her new uniform and Kate took a million pictures. Kate felt teary and a little wistful, but she tried to control herself because Lila was so excited. Anne and Michael piled in the car with Kate and Lila to see her off, planning to meet up with Kate's brothers and the nieces and nephews for more photo ops and hugs. As Kate was grabbing Lila's backpack, lunchbox and water bottle, she felt her cell phone buzz and saw a text from Andrew.

"I know you are so busy and this is a big day. Good luck to Lila, she'll definitely rock it. And good luck to you, too, sweetheart. I know this is hard for you seeing her go off like this, but you've got this."

Kate's heart fluttered thinking of how sweet Andrew was. He remembered everything in her life, always letting her know he was thinking of her, and she couldn't help but feel mushy as she read his message. It hurt her heart a bit too, though, because Andrew had thought to wish Lila good luck, even though he didn't even know her. But Lila hadn't gotten a message or a call from Trey. Kate shook it off, heading outside to the car to head to the school, which was close by in neighboring Bel-Air. When they arrived, Lila took Kate's hand and walked confidently up to the front of the school, where Kate's brothers Jacob and Miles, along with their wives Robyn and Maya were standing with their six children in their Harvard-Westlake uniforms. Lila grinned, immediately running over to hug them all, with Michael and Anne following close behind, Anne excitedly hugging all of her grandchildren. Kate smiled a little bit, looking at the group and feeling excited for her girl.

As they stood posing for photos, Sarah and EJ pulled up, hopping out excitedly to meet up, Sarah clutching a teddy bear dressed in the Harvard-Westlake uniform for Lila. "Sarah, what are you guys doing here?" Kate said breathlessly, and her brunette best friend grinned broadly. "Well, I knew what a big day this was for you guys, so we figured we'd drop by and wish our favorite little girl good luck!" EJ grinned, waving at Lila as she came over to them.

"Mrs. Sarah! Mr. EJ! What are you guys doing at my school? You're too old for Harvard," she giggled as she hugged Sarah around her waist. "Honestly, Lila, I could probably use the extra schooling," EJ joked, and Lila laughed. "Mr. EJ! You're the silliest guy I know!" Lila cheered, and Sarah handed Lila the little bear. Kate took their picture in front of school and then texted it to Sarah, and as Lila started to walk in with her cousins, Kate clutched Sarah's arm as EJ kindly put his arm around her. "Thanks you guys, you knew how hard this would be for me," Kate admitted, eyes filled with tears, and Sarah smiled. "Yeah, well, you always support us so... " Kate bid the two farewell, heading home with her parents to grab breakfast and wait to pick Lila up.

Back at Shane's, Andrew was face-deep in his laptop, reviewing footage from the first investor meeting they'd had. Deciding he needed a break, he glanced absently at his phone, flipping through Instagram, and he saw a picture Sarah had posted, tagging EJ. It was a picture of the two of them and Lila, posed in her Harvard-Westlake uniform as she walked into school. They were all smiling, and the caption said, "Supporting our favorite little girl in the world as she starts her first day of school in L.A. Good luck Ms. Lila! So incredibly proud of this sweet angel!" Andrew smiled to himself, studying the picture, and he couldn't help but feel a little wistful, thinking of Kate seeing Lila off alone without a dad. He worried about Kate, doing all of this alone, although he knew she could more than handle herself. He glanced at Shane, who was completely engrossed in work, and Andrew grabbed his phone, wandering into his room to dial Kate.

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