Chapter 23

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The whole day was magical for Lila, as well as for Kate and Andrew. Lila led her mother and Andrew all around Disneyland, riding every ride, trying every snack and meeting every princess. She had so much fun, and Kate and Andrew had to admit that they had a blast as well. Andrew felt like a kid again, and he'd never had the experience before of seeing things through a child's eyes. Because he was an only child, Andrew was rarely exposed to kids. A few of his friends from college were married with kids, but because he lived so far from Illinois, he rarely got to see them. With Lila, everything was heightened. Every time they'd come across something new, she was in pure wonder checking it out, and Andrew started to find himself seeing things as she did. It was amazing.

Seeing Kate with Lila was like seeing her for the first time, and Andrew was smitten. Kate was the most loving, supportive and sweet mom on Earth, the perfect blend of firm and fun, and Andrew couldn't believe what an amazing parent she was to her little girl. Their bond was so strong, and Andrew found himself watching intently as he observed his girl parenting her daughter.

At some point during the day, Lila begged to go on the Matterhorn. Never a roller coaster fan, Kate grimaced, thinking about going on the crazy ride. Andrew noticed her hesitation, and he pulled Kate to him so he could speak to her quietly. "Baby, is it... well, do you think it would be alright if I took her so you don't have to go?" Kate scrunched up her eyebrows, trying to think how Lila would react. She was pleased at how well Lila had taken to Andrew, but she wasn't sure it was a great idea to throw them together by themselves without her there. But Lila was nothing if not honest to a fault, and she figured she'd ask the little girl her thoughts and let her make the call. So Kate nodded at Andrew, gesturing for him to volunteer.

"Lila, sweetie, you know roller coasters aren't my thing," Kate said softly, and she looked at Andrew as he cleared his throat. "You know, Lila, I um... well, I love roller coasters. I'd be happy to take you and let your mom sit this one out, you know, if you want. But if you don't want to go with just me, it's totally fine," he ventured. Lila looked from Andrew to her mom, flashing a big grin, and then she grabbed the red-head's hand, pulling him towards the line without even telling Kate goodbye.

Kate watching them walk off hand in hand, and she started to feel herself tearing up. Lila had taken to Andrew in a way she hadn't even imagined, and even though she was thrilled, it also made her a little sad. Kate knew deep down how great Andrew was, but the truth was she feared Lila was just starved for male attention, having been neglected by her own dad for so long, and she hoped letting Lila get attached to Andrew would be OK.

Kate sat on the sidelines, sipping a Diet Coke while she waited for her girl and her man to return. After about 30 minutes, they emerged, still holding hands and laughing up a storm as Andrew led Lila to where Kate was sitting. When she saw them walking up, Kate's eyes lit up, and she flashed a huge smile at the two.

"So, how was it guys? Did you do alright sweetheart?" she asked Lila nervously, as the little girl had never been on a roller coaster before. Lila gasped, hugging her mom around the waist. "It was amazing, Mommy! I did great, I wasn't even scared! Andrew got a little scared though," she said, looking at the tall red-head with a smirk. Andrew nodded kindly, patting the little girl on the shoulder. "It's true, Lila was a total pro. I got a little nervous, but luckily, my new friend was there to help me through," he said with a sweet smile, and Lila laughed. "It's pretty funny that a big tall guy like you can get more scared than me!" she giggled, and Andrew nodded. "I know, its crazy huh? You're way braver than I am!" he said sweetly, and Kate couldn't help but grin at how cute he was.

"Well, Lila, I think we've done everything. We should probably head home," Kate said gently, watching as Lila frowned. "Aw, Mommy! I don't want to go," the little girl grumbled. "I know, sweetie, but it's getting pretty late. It's way past your bedtime," Kate cautioned, and Andrew cleared his throat. "We can definitely come back, Lila. Now that I've been on the Matterhorn, I'm addicted," he assured the little girl, and she grinned.

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