Chapter 25

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It was a month after Andrew had introduced Lila to the Squad, and his birthday was fast approaching. Andrew was going to turn 28, and Shane and Ryland were intent on making it the best birthday ever for the guy they considered a little brother. Kate was also excited to celebrate her man, and she was thrilled when Shane called her to let her know his plans for the big day.

"So Dr. Kate, Andrew never wants to celebrate his birthday, like at all. But wouldn't it be so fun if I got all of Garrett and his friend group, and all of his old Vlog Squad friends, and you and us and everyone and do, like an amazing surprise party?" Shane asked, his excitement palpable through the phone as Kate sat in the resident's lounge after her shift was over. "I'm kind of worried though Shane. What if he doesn't like it? He hates attention. Are we sure a surprise party will be something he'll love?" she asked nervously, really wanting to make Andrew's birthday special. "I mean, don't get me wrong, I don't have anything good planned, but I don't want him to be, you know, aggravated," she said softly, and Shane shook his head.

"Don't worry, half our friendship is him being sort of quietly aggravated with me and then going along with my ideas. He always ends up loving it. I have an awesome surprise gift idea that he's also likely to hate, so it'll be iconic!" Shane said with a laugh, and Kate couldn't help but laugh as well as how crazy Shane could be. "Well, OK, as long as you take the blame if he hates it," she said, giggling a little, and Shane sighed. "Oh please, Kate! He'd never blame you for anything. He worships the ground you walk on," he said with a laugh, and Kate rolled her eyes. "Listen, all you have to do is plan something sweet for his birthday, like just you guys, and then say something like, 'Oh, Shane and Ryland have a cake for you,' and then get him to our house and we'll have everything done. We'll invite everyone and everything too," Shane said with a grin, and Kate smiled, agreeing to take care of getting Andrew to the party.

A few days before Andrew's birthday, Kate mentioned to Lila that Andrew was turning 28, and Lila's eyes went wide with excitement at the idea of doing something for him for his special day. Kate mentioned to Lila that Shane and Ryland were having a party for grown ups only and that Lila would be sleeping over at the Hendricks's that night, and when Lila was visibly annoyed at being left out of the festivities, Kate pitched the idea of having their own little celebration the night before. Kate bit her lip a bit, thinking of how tough it might be to convince Andrew to do something two nights in a row for his birthday, but she figured she'd just have to get it done since both Lila and Shane were counting on her. On the day before his birthday, she called him from the hospital to suggest the little party with Lila.

"So birthday boy, a certain 7 year old has big plans for your big day, but they conflict with my plans to have an adult dinner tomorrow night. Any chance you'd be up for a celebration tonight?" she asked sweetly as Andrew chuckled. "Aw, I don't know baby, I'm not into my birthday," the red head protested shyly and Kate shook her head. "Well, that's a key rule to parenting. A lot of times, you do stuff you hate because your kid loves it. Lila isn't your kid, of course, but she loves you and she's hell bent on celebrating your birthday," Kate explained, and Andrew's heart melted a little. "Well, OK, that's fine, but we don't need to do something else tomorrow. We can just celebrate tonight, all three of us," Andrew said, desperately trying not to make a big deal of his birthday, and Kate sighed.

"Andrew! No! We are definitely doing something tomorrow too," she said, her voice a little bit whiney, and Andrew laughed. "Why? What's the big deal?" he asked, wondering what Kate was getting at, and she giggled a little. "Because, baby, my plans are... not, you know... well, they aren't exactly kid-friendly," she said lowly, knowing that would get him, and he let out his famous cackle. "OHH! Oh, well, OK, I guess that's alright then," he stammered out as Kate laughed at his cuteness. She told him she and Lila would meet him at his apartment that night after her shift, and Andrew smiled to himself. "I can't wait to see my two favorite girls," he said sweetly as Kate blushed.

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