Chapter 18

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As Andrew and Kate made their way into the front door of Shane's house, they heard loud music from inside. When they got into the living room, they couldn't help but crack up as Garrett, EJ, Ryland, Morgan and their friend Caleb were all standing on various tables and chairs, dancing as Da Baby's "Bop" blared on the surround-sound speakers. Andrew sighed a little before immediately whipping out his camera, videoing them before he could even say hello to anyone. As soon as he did, Sarah made her way up to the two, and Andrew laughed as he noticed Sarah videoing with her camera as well.

"Great minds, huh Andrew?" Sarah laughed sweetly, giving him a sweet side-hug, and Andrew grinned. "Oh, there's 100% chance this is going on my Instagram story. And the fans say I don't post good content," he said with a grin. Sarah turned to Kate, engulfing her in a tight bear hug. "Yes! My partner in crime!" the sweet brunette cheered, and Kate giggled. "Hey friend," she said sweetly as Sarah looked approvingly from Andrew to Kate. "Hey to you guys too. So Andrew, I hear you finally broke her down, huh?" Sarah said with a giggle, which Andrew returned. "Yeah, it was tough. You guys should have warned me before I started that it would take all the grit and determination I could muster." Kate rolled her eyes playfully, poking him in the ribs. "Oh come on, it wasn't that bad," she said softly, and Andrew just laughed.

Sarah pulled Kate into the kitchen to grab drinks while Andrew made his way over to greet the birthday boy. As Sarah and Kate walked into the quieter kitchen, Sarah immediately turned to Kate with a giant smile plastered on her pretty face. "Oh my god! This is the first time I've seen you in person since he asked you to, you know, be exclusive. You look so happy!" Sarah exclaimed, and Kate grinned. She'd told Sarah every detail of she and Andrew's budding relationship, even the fight they had over the text, and Sarah had followed the entire thing as if watching her favorite romantic comedy. "Aw thanks Sarah, I am really happy," Kate admitted, and Sarah smiled, glancing over to where Andrew was talking to Shane, Caleb and Garrett. "I have to tell you, too, I've never seen Andrew like this with anyone," Sarah said excitedly, and Kate's heart skipped a beat.

The girls made their way over to where the guys were standing with Garrett, and as soon as Garrett saw Kate, he engulfed her in a gigantic hug, picking her up off the ground as she yelped. "Geez! Sorry Kate, I didn't realize how light you are, I almost killed you!" the giant of a man said, and Kate couldn't help but laugh. "It's alright, Gare, Happy Birthday!" she cheered as Garrett smiled widely. "I'm so glad you guys could come!" he said with a grin. Shane immediately made a beeline for Kate, flashing her his warm smile as he hugged her.

"So great seeing you again!" Shane said genuinely, and Kate smiled. "You too! I was excited when Andrew said we were going to your house," she admitted, and Shane smiled. "I don't know if Andrew told you, but I started watching some of your videos. They're amazing, Shane, you're brilliant," Kate told him, and Shane's eyes went wide as he beamed. "Really, Dr. Kate? I can't believe you have time for that," Shane gasped, and Kate couldn't help but laugh. "Well, I stay up really late most nights with insomnia," she admitted. Shane smiled, patting her shoulder. "Us too," he said, gesturing to Andrew, who was in deep conversation with EJ. "If you're ever bored in the middle of the night, feel free to come by and visit. Nine times out of ten, we're up working," Shane admitted, looking at his hands. "Although I'm assuming now that you and Andrew are, you know... a thing... he'll probably put a stop to that," he said quietly, and Kate shook her head. "Oh, I don't know, Andrew's as dedicated to you and work as anyone I've ever seen," she said, and Shane smiled, putting his hands up. "Well, it's actually a much-needed change. I'm supposed to be planning my wedding, but if I don't stop focusing on work and focus on that, there's only going to be one groom," Shane said with a wry smile.

Right on cue, Ryland showed up, hugging Kate and welcoming her. "Do you want to check out the house?" he asked, and Kate nodded eagerly as Ryland started to show her around. "So did you decorate all this yourself, Ryland?" Kate asked, and Ryland nodded proudly. "Oh, yeah, well, this is my domain. Shane isn't into all that stuff. I guess I'm lucky, he lets me have at it without too much interference," the shorter brunette man said as Kate walked beside him. "So things sound like they're going really well with Andrew, huh?" he asked. Kate grinned a little, pushing her hair behind her year. "Yeah, it really is. He's the best," she said softly, and Ryland laughed. "Well, after the year he's had, we're certainly glad he found a nice girl like you," he remarked before clapping his hands over his mouth nervously. "Oh! I mean, I probably shouldn't say anything like that. I just meant..." he stammered, and Kate giggled.

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