Chapter Seventy Six

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Two months later, Karly was at the doctor for her final checkup after giving birth to the twins. Luke had to meet Greg at the warehouse due to a problem with a shipment. Ryan was watching the babies with Kyle so she came alone. Dr. Reagan came in and smiled.

"Karly, you are all clear, and I noticed you haven't asked about birth control?" Dr. Reagan asked.

"Can we do the shot?" Karly asked.

"I'll get it for you, I'll be right back," Dr. Reagan said. She sat there thinking of everything. Dr. Reagan came in and gave her the shot.

"There you go," Dr. Reagan said.

"Is this effective immediately?" Karly asked.

"Yes, it is, you got it at the right time for it to be effective," Dr. Reagan said.

"Okay thanks," Karly said.

"Karly, you okay?" Dr. Reagan asked.

"Yeah, I don't know if I should get the shot because Luke said his treatments for the tumor he had caused him to go sterile, his doctor and a specialist confirmed it," Karly said.

"Who are they?" Dr. Reagan asked.

"Dr. Gilson is his main doctor and Dr. Ashby was the specialist," Karly said.

"Karly, let me look into this, I'm not familiar with the name of the specialist, Dr. Gilson is a top doctor here, he's one of the best but this Dr. Ashby is one I haven't heard of and I know alot of specialists but his name doesn't ring a bell," Dr. Reagan said.

"Okay thank you, Dr. Reagan, call me when you find out something," Karly said.

"I will," Dr. Reagan said. Karly went home and found Ryan and Kyle in the living room.

"Hey sis," Kyle said.

"Hey," Karly said. She sat down on Ryan's lap and buried her face in his neck.

"What's wrong, love?" Ryan asked.

"I got the all clear and the shot but I told her about Luke, she asked me the names of the doctor and the specialist, she said his doctor was one of the top doctors in the hospital but she never heard of the specialist," Karly said.

"So it's possible he could be a fake?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah," Karly said.

"We need to tell Luke," Kyle said.

"Tell me what?" Luke asked. Karly told them about what she said to Dr. Reagan and what she says about the specialist. Luke sat down.

"So it's possible the specialist was a fake," Luke said.

"Dr. Reagan is finding out," Karly said. Her phone rang. She answered it.

"Dr. Reagan, yes, what, really, okay, we will be right there," Karly said.

"Baby?" Luke asked.

"He's a fake, they got him contained in a room with security guards," Karly said.

"Let's go," Ryan said.

"Kyle?" Karly asked.

"Babies are asleep, I got them," Kyle said.

"Ryan, stay with the babies, please," Karly said.

"Okay love, be careful," Ryan said. She kissed him and she and Luke left.

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