Dusty Ship

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The minute after rescuing Catra I knew things were different. There was something off about her. It certainly wasn't her bubbly attitude (sarcasm). It wasn't the new hair. The Force Captain that clawed her way to the top was no more. She showed it most in her demeanor with everyone, and I admit I secretly took it personally. Personally enough, that I would feel compelled to check on her every so often. I decided to call it a day and go to sleep early. No one objected, especially since I have been overdoing it in training . Walking to my room alone gave me a sense of peace. I was hoping the alone time would help clear my mind.

Once in my room, my thoughts on Catra flooded. It was difficult to organize my ideas, so I decided to list the reasons on why Catra was acting strange. One guess I came up with was that maybe she's been alone so long, being part of a welcoming environment was painful. Or maybe she's different, because she finally did something that wasn't selfish for once. Or is she acting strange is because she regrets saving Glitter? Why did she do for me? I don't know, but I was determined to make things right. 

When we lived back at the Horde, she was always willing to let me be by her side when she was feeling miserable. There would be moments when Shadow Weaver scolded her so bad she hid for long periods of time, so no one would see her cry. Luckily, I was persistent enough to look everywhere. I would go searching every nook and cranny, that I also missed dinner. However, my efforts would pay off, because my eyes would catch her stressed tail swaying. I must admit: it sometimes cost me a scratched face approaching her, but it taught me to be on my toes. It also taught me even the toughest ones can be vulnerable.

At that time comforting my best friend was easy, I would just bring up our failed attempt on tricking Kyle. It was Catra's idea to glue Kyle's shoes to the roof. Catra would burst out laughing, "Ha, yeah! Who would have guessed slipping during training would actually come in handy? Remember when I swung at him? He slipped before I could even get him. His stupid face was great! I lost because I couldn't keep it together. Soooo worth it."

 ...and just like that my friend would come back to life. 

Simple times.

Here on the ship everything seemed off. My sleep pattern was more awful than normal, so I stayed in my room and practiced my swinging techniques to try to keep my mind off Catra. It was annoying because even while training, I would get flashbacks of being a cadet with Catra, fighting Catra in Salinas, fighting Catra literally everywhere in Etheria. So I stopped and thought "Hmmm... maybe push-ups will stop me from thinking about Catra. They're literally the most annoying movement that requires attention if I want the most activation." So that's what I did, "One, two, three...twenty-five...." 

Maybe I can sweat the thought of Catra off me. 

Then a voice promptly said.... "Audio log number 1-2-4: Adora continues to train despite the overtraining and circles under her eyes. Lack of sunlight might be connected to sleep cycles."

"Entrapta?!" Adora exasperated "Where are you? Aren't you supposed to be fixing the ship?"

"You know Adora, she has a name." Entrapta corrected as if spying was the most normal thing to do.

"OK, is Darla fixed yet? Also, what are doing here? Didn't I tell everyone I was going to bed?" Adora said.

"Yeah, but I heard your counting and wanted to know what you were calculating, so I came this way. I happened to misplace my blowtorch, so I wanted to see if it was somewhere up here."

A strange clink sound followed by Entrapta falling through the roof caused a storm of dust everywhere. Entrapta laughed hysterically at the surprise landing.  It seemed to Adora like Entrapta found a way to move around the vents of Darla. 

Before Adora could help her stand, Entrapta nonchalantly began wiping off the dust on her overalls. She finally said, "While being up there, I decided in the name of science, it was a good time to  check the air circulation on our lovely Darla. Can you believe how much dust we were breathing? Hahaha no blowtorch over here! Hmm...I might have to come back and fix that." She looked up at the hole she created. Her mind already calculating the hundreds of ways to fill the gap.  

"Oh well, can you give me a leg up? The dust in my hair seems to make it difficult to jump back up there." Entrapta laughed again.

Adora sighed, "Actually Entrapta, since you're here maybe you can help me."

"You need my help? Hmmm, I suppose I can help optimize your training. I've been doing some research on combining fitness and connection. It's called kettle bell throwing! It's when you and a partner throw incredibly heavy weights at each other without trying to kill one another!" She laughed again out of excitement.

Adora looked confused and said, "As much fun as that sounds.... no thank you Entrapta." Adora sighed nervously and responded, " I was hoping maybe you can listen for a bit."

Entrapta sneezed from the dust, and nodded.

"You know Adora, I'm surprised you're asking me to listen. Don't tell Darla, but the only true friend I have is my robot Emily. She would get glitchy and I would just have to find the source of the problem and fix her right up." Entrapta said.

"Entrapta! You're a genius, I just have to find the source of my problem! I  need to talk to Catra and maybe we can clear it up." Adora stood confidently at her new objective and smiled. "Thank you Entrapta! Here, let me help you get back into the vent."

"Great!" Entrapta exclaimed as she was being lifted up, "Also, sorry about the dust in your room. I suggest you shower before talking to Catra. You smell unusual and look kinda creepy. No sleep tends to do that."

"Ok!" Adora said jumping for joy. "First shower, then sleep, then Catra!"

"You should probably sleep in a different room. Luckily, Darla is full of space...literally." Entrapta laughed at her own joke and was on her way.

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