The Session Part 2

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Catra stood leaning against the hall with her arms crossed as she saw Bow, Meelog, Gimmer and Wrong Hordak walk through the sliding door to enter the front of the ship. Her mouth was clenched and her tail swayed slightly around her leg. The anticipation of the next conversation made her feel uneasy. She wondered to herself what they thought of her especially after admitting what her plan was. Her thoughts were interrupted when she noticed someone in the corner of her eye.

She looked up and saw Adora looking at her with an awkward smile on her face.

"Hey Adora." Catra said with a crooked smile.

"Catra, I um, just wanted to say that I really liked what you said back there. I mean... the part of capturing me to destroy Etheria not so much, but um.... The other part, you know?"

"No, I don't know Adora." Catra said flatly, entertained by Adora's reaction. "I hardly know what you're saying now.

Adora sighed as she moved closer. "I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm glad you are here with me and sharing your thoughts."

Catra's face began to flush when she felt Adora's fingertips trace from her forearm to her hand. The sensation caused her tail to bristle as she felt her body feel electrified at Adora's touch. It felt nice and new all at the same time.

They heard the front door of the ship open and Catra jerked her hand away from Adora. They turned to see Glimmer impatiently standing there.

"Hey the ten minutes have been up for a while and we are waiting for the two of you to come back already." Glimmer paused and looked at both of them.

"Oh my gawwwwd, are you two like... talking.....WITHOUT US?! You're supposed to do it where Bow can mediate it." Glimmer began pushing them towards the front door.

"Ow!" Catra complained as Gimmer poked her. "Relax Sparkles for Brains, we didn't even say anything. Umf...could you not? I know where we need to go. Adora, a little help here? Can you control your friend?"

"Yeah-ow Glimmer, Catra has a point. Is the poking really necessary? Ow!"

"Of course the poking is necessary! I can't teleport remember? I don't know how else to forcefully take you two to the next room."

The door slid open and Adora saw Bow on Mara's chair with his legs crossed looking very official and tall. His fingers were curling the caterpillar mustache, a gesture that made him look older than he actually was. Adora walked over to her seat and saw that Wrong Hordak took the time to make the blankets neat again. She sat crossed legged and appreciated the efforts of her friends.

Adora noticed a small smile on Catra's face when she noticed her tidied up area. Catra turned towards Adora moving her hands in a mustache gesture scrunching her facial features into a silly face. She moved her head in all directions mimicking Bow's gestures. Catra's teasing earned a laugh from Adora before sitting down on the floor.

When Catra adjusted herself comfortably, Wrong Hordak adjusted the lighting and the session began.

Bow began, "First of all, thank you for coming back." He looked at Glimmer who nodded her head proudly and winked at him. "The first session I really wanted to make sure that Catra felt safe and comfortable enough to share the value of her new companion Meelog."

Meelog made a small mew.

"Now, I want to talk about your relationship with each other. I know that you grew up at the Horde together and were best friends, but something happened and things went sour. Let's start with Shadow Weaver. Adora, what was it like being raised by her."

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