Final Chapter

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Adora sat on the floor next to Meelog waiting for Catra to return. After a few moments, Meelog drew close to Adora and nuzzled her hands, so she could pet him. Adora was unsure what he wanted; the creature persisted with a nuzzle and a gentle mew. Meelog is nothing like Swift Wind. 

The fabulous unicorn is very vocal with his wishes. He has a special way of declaring  when his mane  needed brushing  or when he needed other forms of love and attention. He is a diva, and she loves him for that.  The thought of him made her miss her four-legged pal dearly. She wished Swift Wind was here, so he could bulldoze through the door and make an epic entrance. If he were here, he would certainly show off his majestic rainbow wings and lift his chest with unapologetic PRIDE. 

Swift Wind was like no other. 

"Rawr." A soft growl erupted from Meelog's  causing her image of Swift Wind to vanish.  

 Adora finally  understood and  began to pet Meelog. Adora was amazed at what she saw. Meelog's fur began to glow into several shades of blue, purple, and red.  The vivid colors radiating against the walls created beautiful shades she had never seen before. He made a gentle sound and dimmed the colors indicating his satisfaction and contentment. He was in pure bliss.

Adora considered herself lucky and smiled to herself. Meelog usually avoided everyone other than Catra. He was very  picky about the type of company he enjoyed. It was an honor to be tolerated by the creature. She realized her favorite part about Meelog was making her new furry friend happy; she didn't need any special skills or words for him to like her, all she need to do was simply pet him.

As time passed, Adora became restless and let out a sigh. She looked at her furry-friend and concluded aloud, "I think Catra's avoiding me. There is no way she's still drinking water." 

Meelog remained quiet, he was too distracted with the scratching behind the ear.    

"May I tell you a secret?" 

Adora didn't bother waiting for Meelog's response before continuing:

"Don't tell Catra, but I can't stop thinking about a good way, of course.  I'm embarrassed to share this with anyone,  but it's been this way since I left the Horde. I made myself believe that she crossed my mind every moment of the day, because I wanted to take her down; but now that she's on my side... I mean the Rebellion's side.... it has gotten worse. I know it's silly of me to think this way... I'm sure you think I'm ridiculous considering that I have shoved my face onto hers..." she laughed awkwardly to herself when she finished speaking.

She waited for Meelog's reaction, but he was already asleep. He even made a small gentle sound as he breathed.

Adora stared at Meelog feeling dumber than ever about talking to the sleeping creature. She hoped she didn't bore him to sleep with her 'love' issues. 

She sighed to herself thinking  she should  leave Catra alone, but found herself getting up to look for her anyway. She repeated to herself that she should give Catra space, but her body felt impulsive and wished to be close to her. It was a strange magnetic feeling that left her stomach aching. Adora stood quietly making her way out to see her beloved Catra.

She tiptoed silently out of the room carefully making efforts to prevent Meelog from waking. When she closed the door behind her, she sighed in relief.

Meelog hadn't noticed her departure. 

She walked over to the kitchen and found an empty cup of water on the counter. 

Maybe she was still here. 

Adora searched everywhere in the kitchen to see if she could find her tail swaying,  and to her surprise, she was not anywhere to be found. 

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