The Headache

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Adora slept for a record time of three hours before waking up again. She woke up alarmed at first, because she didn't recognize the room she was in. Then she remembered Entrapta bombarding her original room with the vent dust. She sat up. Adora closed her eyes while rubbing her temples. A headache was creeping in until it began to pound on the front side of her head. "Perfect. Just what I need." She felt her heart accelerating and she began to shake. Slow deep breaths helped a little, the problem now was that she couldn't get herself to go back to bed. "It's been a while since I woke up like this," Adora thought "Why is this happening now?" She figured that staying in bed wasn't going to help, so she got up.

She really hoped some walking could help, so she headed to the kitchen.

Everything on the ship was silent except for her footsteps. Entrapta activated a dim light on the floor so moving around would be easier while everyone was sleeping. The only thing that made it spooky was the shadows above from the light. It was a minor thing, but with lack of sleep the shadows reminded her of the giant spiders Light Hope would release during SheRa training. She tried to focus ahead of her and continued to walk towards the kitchen hoping water could relieve the pain.

Adora  finally entered the kitchen and reached for the container of water.  She then felt something brush against her arm. Adora yelped in fear and spilled some packaged food beside the water. Adora began swinging wildly hoping that whatever was there would back off. She took a step back, slipped on the food contents and found herself landing on the floor. Legs swinging up during the impact. She felt a jolt of pain on her rear and was staring at the dark ceiling. 

"Ow, what just happened?"

For a second she thought the fall cured her headache, but no, it came back with a vengeance. Rubbing her backside she turned and she saw two heterochromatic eyes looking at her. This was the closest they had been since the rescue.

"Catra?" Adora exclaimed.

"Adora? What are you doing here?" Catra questioned. She was under the stove area. Her arms wrapped around her legs and her tail swinging.

"Um... I ....have a headache ...and I couldn't sleep. I was getting water, but I slipped. Seriously Catra, you scared me. What are you doing down there?"

Adora looked at the movement of her tail. The motion was probably what brushed her arm. Adora recalled Catra only did that when she was feeling anxious about something.

"Are you okay?" Adora asked.

She took a moment before answering. "I don't know." Catra quietly said. "I'm just feeling...not like myself."

"So you're hiding here? No wonder you're not feeling like yourself. I found you without trying." Adora said.

Catra gave a weak smile remembering the times Adora would find her at the Horde. She began to stand and said "Whatever, Adora. I wasn't trying to hide." She remarked unconvincingly.

Just as she was taking her first step, Catra slipped on the packaged food and landed on Adora. Catra's head bumped onto Adora's forehead. They both groaned at the unexpected impact.

Catra put one hand on her head and opened her eyes. Adora was sitting up looking back at hers. This was the first time in a while they were so close she could feel her breathing. There was something about that moment that felt familiar. Looking at her brought back a memory they shared. Catra felt an unusual sensation. The connection they shared at the moment by simply looking at each other made Catra's face feel hot. Good thing it was dark enough Adora couldn't see.

A moment later, Catra said snarkily, "You would think that poof of yours would provide some protection. That hurt!" Catra said, trying to ignore the connection she felt from the little distance between them.

"Well Catra, I was hoping to find a way to fix this headache, but here I am, minding my own business until you decided to headbutt me." Adora snapped back.

They were both quiet for a moment and bursted into laughter.

Catra stood up. Carefully this time and leaned against the counter. Adora took cautious measures too, sighed that she created a mess, and finally drank some water. It was too dark to clean up the mess now, but she wanted to try. Adora didn't want Wrong Hordak to walk in and find her mess in the kitchen.

Adora found something that felt like a rag and began to wipe the floor. Catra stood there and watched Adora doing a lousy job at cleaning. Even though it was dark, Catra could see more clearly due to her cat-like genetics. Adora got the hang of it after a while and left the floor spotless.

"Looks clean." Catra said shyly looking down.

Adora looked at Catra's figure and nodded. She knew Catra's vision in the dark was exceptional.

"So, Catra. Are you going to tell me why you're here?" Adora said softly.

Catra stammered. She was about to say something, but decided not to. She began to walk towards the exit.

"Catra, wait." Adora reaching for her. "Can I walk with you? I seriously am getting spooked walking by myself and seeing the shadows they make. They look like the creatures Light Hope would release on me. I have no control of She-Ra anymore." Adora's eyes went down. "I don't know if I'll ever be able to control her again. I guess... I also know what it's like to not feel like yourself. " Adora unconsciously began rubbing her left arm.

Catra felt her ears go down. She remembered those horrible creatures that went after them. Adora, like always, playing the hero when it was obvious she was capable of finishing the monsters off. Even when the creatures weren't trying to kill them, there were those painful memories Light Hope triggered. The whole event was physically and psychologically exhausting. 

Catra frowned as she thought about the day she stole the First One's tech at the beacon. She remembered Adora trying really hard to get her to open up, acting like Catra was the world's most broken person. It obviously didn't work, but after watching their childhood replay, Catra decided she wanted to hurt Adora. To Catra, it wasn't fair that they were together and she was the one who suffered most for it. Reliving their past gave Catra enough reason to tell her she didn't want her, just so she'd know what it was like to live in her shoes. 

Catra hated herself for thinking this way at the time, but it was her truth.

She admitted to herself that the only thing that prevented Catra from feeling guilty at the time was knowing Adora would find a way out. She ALWAYS did. 

Catra sighed to herself in frustration as she looked at Adora. Even after all the cruel things Catra did to hurt Adora and everyone in Etheria, Adora continued to willingly risk and prioritize  her own life just so Catra could come back home. 

And here they were. Millions of miles away from Etheria stuck in a kitchen together.  

Finally Catra said flatly "Fine, I'll walk with you to your room....Only because you're not a princess on-command anymore."

Adora smiled as she neared Catra and they began to walk. Catra was slightly ahead and walked towards Adora's new room. They were quiet. The only noise Adora heard was their footsteps.

After turning left at the hall, Adora was tempted to look at Catra's body. There was something about the way the light displayed her lean figure. It intrigued her. The way her arms gracefully moved and how her bottoms pressed perfectly around her waist. The stripes on her body gave her a charm that was special only to her. 

No matter how bad or distant things got between them Adora had to admit that it was intoxicating to come back to her. Saving Catra any way she could was an addiction, which made this experience with her in the ship all anew. She wanted to rescue Catra, but she needed to find out what was hurting her first.

Catra stopped suddenly in front of Adora's room and said nothing. She turned towards Adora and crossed her arms. Adora understood the message and turned on the lights. Adora walked in making sure to brush slightly against Catra. 

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