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They watched the door slam shut behind Adora. Bow tried to say something, but she carried such a determined expression on her face, that it was impossible for her to listen.

Her only goal was whatever on her mind.

After spending several memorable months with Adora, Glimmer and Bow knew that once she made a decision there was nothing stopping her. Her determination was simply remarkable.

They stood in silence until they heard something.


"Goodness me! What's that dying sound?" Wrong Hordak asked curiously, raising his hand over his mouth while turning towards Glimmer.

"That dying sound is coming from my BELLY! I think all the uncomfortable dialogue makes me want a snack." Glimmer exclaimed.

Wrong Hordak stood looking concerned. "Little sister, let us go to the kitchen. I will make us some nourishment so you no longer make dying sounds."

Wrong Hordak grabbed Glimmer and Bow by the arm and led them towards the kitchen.

Once there, Wrong Hordak began grabbing packaged food and searching through the pots and pan to create the meal. He cracked, sifted, and whisked unusual ingredients before placing them in a tray into the oven.

Bow and Glimmer were unsure what to do especially since Wrong Horak looked furious while he put their meal together, so they decided to stand around and watch Wrong Hordak glide through the kitchen.

"You move so fast in the kitchen, it looks like you've been doing it for years." Bow said admiringly.

Wrong Hordak looked up to grin and quickly went back to moving around. Ignoring any additional comments.

After a while Glimmer began to pace impatiently and raised her arms in frustration, "Uggghhhh!"

Bow looked at her waiting for her to speak up.

"Bow, I know that you're thinking the same thing! I know that you're trying to make sense of everything that happened earlier. I don't know how you can just stand there and look soooo calm! Please tell me that you thought about what could have happened between them? Uhggggg there are sooooo many unanswered questions!"

She began to grunt and said aloud, "I did everything I could to keep my mouth shut during the therapy session, and STILL, I can't BELIEVE Catra didn't answer the ONLY view I wanted to hear. I don't know what is worse: being kidnapped or having to suffer like this!"

Bow looked at his hangry best-friend in concern and calmly said, "I think we can agree that being kidnapped is far more worse."

Glimmer ignored his comment and continued to walk back and forth and finally exclaimed,"Ughhhh can we just do something where we make up stories on what happened?!"

Her question brought silence to the kitchen. Even Wrong Hordak stopped to double check his measuring.


Bow asked, "Like gossip?"

Glimmer approached Bow and covered his mouth.

"Shhhhhhh!!!!! Noooooo, like coming up with theories! Don't say the G word! Otherwise, everyone will take us seriously and take it the wrong way!" Glimmer exclaimed.

Wrong Hordak questioned innocently, "What's wrong with things that are wrong, sister?"

Glimmer gave an awkward look and replied with a nervous laugh "Ummm. .... Nothing, Wrong Hordak. Really. I'm just trying to make sense of the conversation we JUST had. I might have a theory on what happened but you gotta listen through.....I know the reason why Catra didn't leave with Adora."

Figuring Out CatraWhere stories live. Discover now