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Catra leaned against the door frame,  unsure whether to step inside. Her arms were crossed and her tail wrapped around her leg. She stood there while her hetrochromatic eyes watched Adora move towards the side of her bed.

The room was fairly small. It had no mirror and had First One's symbols vaguely printed on the walls. Everything about this ship was cold and the purple and blue tints of color splashed on the walls didn't help. It was like being trapped in a freezer. Catra didn't like being cold, it was miserable. She shivered.

Adora responded to the reaction "You know, you can share this extra blanket with me." Adora pulled up one of the blankets on her bed. "Being here beats the kitchen, anyway."

Catra's eyes lit up slightly at the invitation. She walked towards her old best friend, unsure what to expect. All she wanted at the moment was the chilling feeling to leave. She took the blanket graciously and wrapped it around herself. She sat furthest away from Adora, near the corner of the bed, and wished the inner torment she felt at the moment would go away. She felt ears sink and sighed to herself. It felt like ages ago when they were together like this.

It was an odd feeling having  Adora next to her without trying to kill her. 

Adora looked at Catra's and knew any moment she would speak up. She waited patiently, secretly looking at the freckles on her face.

"I just don't get it, Adora," Catras' raspy voice began, while turning towards her, "Why'd you come back for me? I gave you what you wanted. I expected you to take Sparkles and leave for Etheria. You literally came back for me, and I can't even think clearly with this stupid chip." She scratched the chip, but it was implanted too deeply to remove it. "Coming back for me was like stopping to pick up broken pieces of glass and pretending it's whole."

"Catra." Adora began gently, "When I heard you over the speaker, I was surprised to hear your voice. I couldn't think. I wanted to know where you were. I needed to know you were safe. It drove me crazy thinking about all the scenarios that could happen to you....I felt useless, and felt I lost all control just thinking about Prime getting near you." Adora sat closer and placed her hand on Catra's. "I want you to know that despite everything that has happened, I ....I need you Catra." Her eyes fixed on hers showing the mad intensity behind them.

"You don't need me." Catra began looking away, "You have everything. Everyone always chooses you. Hell, even Shadow Weaver chose you." There was a slight pain in her voice.

"Seriously Catra? Why do you have to bring up Shadow Weaver?" Adora raised her hands in resignation. "Have you ever thought that maybe? JUST MAYBE Shadow Weaver made you feel insignificant, because that was the only way to get your rebellious personality fired-up? I mean, you purposely did the opposite of what you were asked to do when we were back at the Horde. Think about it! When we were told to show up for debriefing, did you go? No, you slept-in? When we were told to stay away from Octavia, did you stay away from her? No, you thought it was a great idea to slash her face! Come to think of it, maybe Shadow Weaver was on to something. Maybe if I had just begged you to stay at the Horde instead of joining me with the rebellion, things would have been different."

 Adora exasperated and continued.

"Maybe you wouldn't have been with the Horde, and we wouldn't have wasted the energy practically trying to kill each other. Who knows?! Maybe you wouldn't have been captured by Horde Prime and we'd be together!" Adora exclaimed finally dumping her feelings out.

Catra clenched her teeth and avoided Adora's last comment. "Pfff...rebellious personality! What a joke! Maybe if she wasn't so cruel to me, I would have turned out different! Didn't she know I needed her?!"

Figuring Out CatraWhere stories live. Discover now