Chapter 1

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I walked through the halls of the Jedi Temple, taking in a deep breath and listening to the familiar echo of my black boots across the stone floor. It felt good to be home. My day had started better than the previous night had ended. It had been rough saying goodbye, but everybody said it was for the best. Things were supposed to get better from here; I just hoped they were right.

Tugging at my Jedi clothes, I settled my black garment more comfortably over my brown robes. For a reason I couldn't explain, I had rushed getting out of bed this morning. The eerie silence probably had something to do with it.

I huffed out a breath that almost counted as a sigh, blowing my dark blond hair out of my face – trying to, at least. I must have tossed and turned too much overnight because my hair just wouldn't sit right today. As I raked my gloved fingers through the wavy tufts, the leather of my glove caught on the scar that trailed down my right eye, making me freeze. Though the scar burned slightly at my touch, it was the future that I feared. The recent wound to my heart could turn into a scar. But I consoled myself with the comfort I expected to find from my destination. I was on my way to snatch a few moments of spare time talking to my best friend before he or I were called off on a mission.

Having approached the door to his room, I was about to knock, but a shift in the Force caused me to pause. I heard voices coming from inside and hesitated. I could talk with him later.

I began to walk away when again the Force shifted, moving as though to keep me from leaving. So I stopped and realized the voices had finished speaking. I paused for a moment, then raised my knuckles and knocked on the door.

"Come in," Obi-Wan called distractedly.

I entered quietly, quickly casting my eye around his immaculate room. He was sitting on the chair at his desk, one arm across his chest, his other hand lightly stroking his beard. The shadow that hung over him contrasted with the clean whiteness of his robes; it was unusual for him to have something weighing down on him. But the sun that filtered through his window brightened up the corners, revealing he was alone. Who was he talking to, then?

"G'mornin'," I started cheerfully, smirking at the cocked ginger eyebrow from my former master that my poor grammar prompted.

His blue eyes whisked over me briefly as he swept something off his desk into his lap. "Good morning, Anakin."

I leant against the closed door, folding my arms against my chest calmly. "You busy this morning?"

"Well, yes, I suppose I am a little busy. Why?"

"I heard people talking inside your room, so unless you've taken up ventriloquism, I'm curious as to what's going on." I held a straight face while I watched the disturbed frown that crossed Obi-Wan's expression.

"Ventriloquism?" he mused in confusion. Then he saw me chewing on my smile and shook his head but laughed slightly. "You're messing with me again. No, I haven't gained a new appreciation for puppets. I was calling someone."

"Ah, yes." I nodded. "Someone."

He raised his eyebrows at me. "Indeed. Have you come for any other reason than to pry into my business?"

I placed my gloved hand to my chest, giving him a look of mock astonishment. "Oh, I'm sorry, I don't seem to recall you mentioning your business was private."

He studied me for a moment, his eyes flicking between mine. "What is it, Anakin?" His tone was soft, but it spoke of that tender suspicion that he had when he thought something was bothering me.

I looked down, and I knew it was only confirming his guess. But secretly, I wanted him to ask. He was the closest friend I ever had, one of the few who had believed in me with the same unshakeable trust that I offered to others, the one I trusted with my life. But that didn't mean I couldn't string him along for a bit longer. "What's what?" I asked quietly, fingers playing with the buckles on my glove.

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