Chapter 11

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My head swam as I forced my eyes open, trying to ignore the throbbing headache that pulsed through my temples. I was lying on my side, my wrists locked in binders, having been ungraciously dumped on the metal floor. Making my blurry vision focus, I found I was lying against one wall of a large, boxy room. It was too big to be a cell – more like a meeting area, though it was difficult to tell. Three tall windows were set in the wall opposite me, letting in the only source of light that this base seemed to have. I couldn't see any artificial lighting, meaning that this place, already built with black metal, would get very dark at night. At either end of the long room were trapezoid-shaped doors, both of which were guarded by a pair of troopers in red and black Mandalorian garb: Darth Maul's henchmen. But I noticed a pair of lightsabers tossed into a dark corner of the room and figured that they must have been Obi-Wan's and mine. Hm ....

The suffocating presence of the Dark Side mingled with the soft hum of the Light, and I realized I wasn't alone. Looking across to my right, I saw Obi-Wan lying very still. Judging from the nasty bruise on his forehead and the quietness of the Force around him, I guessed he was unconscious.

Metal clunking and clanking alerted me to the fact that Maul was also in the room, and a glance in front of me confirmed that. He was standing with his arms folded, lightsaber tucked in his hand as he chatted with Ahsoka, who didn't seem to be enjoying herself. They stood with their backs to the window, making it tricky for me to get a good look at them because of the darkness inside contrasting with the whiteness from outside. Despite the decreased visibility on my part, I thought I saw Maul toss a glance over at me, doing a quick double-take when he noticed I was awake. He smirked, then strolled over to me, grabbing me by the binders and pulling me up so that I was sitting upright.

"Good morning, Skywalker," he said evenly, unable to keep the smugness out of his tone. "Are you ready to watch your loved one die before your very eyes? And guess who's going to keep an eye on you while I do it?"

My heart skipped a beat, my eyes darting across to Ahsoka before flicking back to him.

His lips twitched in amusement. "Your very own padawan is betraying you. Does that hurt? But wait ... didn't you betray her first? I seem to remember that you saved Kenobi in preference over her. Correct me if I'm wrong," he added carelessly, letting go of my binders so that I collapsed back onto the floor. "Maybe you're just getting what you deserve." Then he glanced across at Obi-Wan and sighed. "If he ever wakes up. I think I punched him a bit hard. I wanted you to be conscious when he realized it was me behind this the whole time." He looked back at me thoughtfully. "Actually, why don't you wake him up? You're his friend, right? Well, that's what everybody thinks, anyway. I mean, he is the one who pushed you out of that trap. And besides which, when he realizes you're waking him so that he can face me, I would so love to see his expression – you know, the crushed betrayal and all that." He gave me a nudge with his boot. "Go on, then."

My mind was racing faster than my pounding heart as I went over to Obi-Wan. I was such a failure, such a terrible friend, such a traitor, and such a bad Jedi. But it wasn't over yet. Maul hadn't actually ... actually killed Obi-Wan – not yet.

Out of the corner of my eye, I caught Ahsoka watching me as I knelt next to him. Good; I had something I needed to tell her. I gently shook Obi-Wan's shoulder, saying softly, "Wakey, wakey, sunshine."

He stirred slightly, and I sensed him reaching into the Force, though he was still unconscious, as he searched for any others nearby. I let my shields down, inviting him in, mentally offering my hand to him.

"Come on, Obi-Wan. We've got something that needs finishing."

He took my invitation, holding tightly to me before his eyes flickered open and he gave me a small smile. "Hello, my friend," he breathed, the unsullied trust in his eyes breaking my heart.

"Yeah," I laughed sadly, "yeah, that's right. I'm your friend; friends have each other's backs. They listen when you need listening to, and they do what needs to be done." I didn't dare look at Ahsoka, but I knew she heard me. I had done what needed to be done: I had found the bomb. She could go against Maul with impunity.

I glanced across at Maul, sitting back on my knees. "He's awake."

Maul smiled coldly as he strode over to us, bending over Obi-Wan. "Hello, Kenobi. You didn't know it was me, did you? How do you feel that Skywalker woke you up to talk to me?"

Though I fixed my gaze on my lap, I could feel Obi-Wan looking at me in disbelief. But what hurt me most was that deep trust I sensed he had in me.

"You don't like it so much, do you?" Maul cooed. "It hurts when your friends stab you in the back, doesn't it? Let's see Skywalker do it all over again. Let's see as he stands by and watches me exact my revenge," he ended in a hiss, his tone serious and menacing. He indicated for Ahsoka to stand by me. "And don't try anything naughty," he warned her. "I still have that detonator in my pocket." Then he turned his attention back to Obi-Wan, grabbing him by the throat and lifting him clean off the ground. "You took something from me a long time ago," he seethed, undaunted by Obi-Wan's struggles as he gasped for air. "I will not be appeased until I have blood."

My heart thundered in my chest as I was doing exactly what Maul had predicted. I was standing by and watching as my friend was at the mercy of Darth Maul. I caught Ahsoka's eye, and she gave me the briefest of nods, her fingers playing with her lightsabers.

"Hear me now," Maul continued, pressing his unignited weapon against Obi-Wan's waist, "I will –"

Then everything happened in a blur. Ahsoka flicked on her lightsabers and split my binders, so I pulled my lightsaber to myself and tried to whack Maul's saber out of his hands using it. But Maul reacted quickly, whipping it out of the way before I could destroy it. Then he blasted Ahsoka backwards into the wall hard enough to daze her, but not knock her out, and as much as I wanted to go to her, I had to drag my attention back to Maul, who was still hadn't loosened his grip on Obi-Wan. But Maul was wrong about one thing: I wasn't going to stand by and watch my friend suffer. And I knew what to do about it. I was going to play Maul at his own game. I just hoped I won.

I pointed my saber at Maul. "Let him go."

He looked at me with a mix of boredom and annoyance. He tapped his lightsaber impatiently, but he didn't press it against Obi-Wan again. "Now why, Skywalker, would I do that?"

Obi-Wan was futilely pulling at Maul's vicelike grip, trying desperately to get free, but I could also feel him silently pleading with me, begging me not to say what I was about to.

But I didn't listen to him. "Because I can give you a better offer."

Obi-Wan fell limp as I finished my sentence, causing me to falter. But I had caught Maul's attention. He was interested.

He watched me inquisitively, still keeping his hold on Obi-Wan. "What are you proposing, Skywalker?"

"You have to let go of Obi-Wan first," I said evenly, though I could feel my hands shaking.

He considered this for a moment, glancing at his unconscious prisoner then back at me. His curiosity won out. He let go. "What's your offer?"


Uh-oh. Not good. What are you doing, Ani??

Isn't Maul nasty? :/ But, like I said, things are gonna worse before they get better.

Thanks for reading! :D

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