Chapter 14

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My eyes flickered open, and I tried to sit up, feeling the whole world either exploding, imploding, or both. But gentle hands stopped me, instead leading me back to lie down. I found myself on a soft bed, in a white room that was filled with beeping machines and glossy cabinets pushed against the walls. I recognized it immediately as the medical ward on Coruscant. I wasn't dead. That was a good start. But I didn't feel great, and my side burned painfully. Besides all that, I was feeling confused and disoriented. Had I been dreaming?

I glanced across to see Obi-Wan sitting next to my bed, though I didn't need to look to know he was there. His presence was glowing brighter than I had ever experienced it, and the pure joy that was radiating from him would have been enough to last me a lifetime. I gave him a small smile, wondering why everything was alive. I was used to everything teeming with life and energy, but there had never been such an undertone of stillness to it. Everything worked together in harmony now. I had experienced this kind of serenity when I was having an especially good day with Obi-Wan; I drew from his focus and calm, but never for this extended period of time. I was living in it, not just tasting it.

"Hello, my friend," Obi-Wan said softly, giving my hand a squeeze.

I remained silent for a few minutes, marvelling at the difference I felt in the Force. "Do you feel that?" I asked, glancing at him.

He smiled slightly. "That is one way you could return my greeting, I suppose. But yes, I do. I didn't know your power was quite this strong, Anakin."

I cocked my head, wincing when that brought a bout of pain stabbing in my side. "You can feel my power, too?"

He nodded. "Do you remember what happened before you fell asleep?"

I watched him carefully. "Not exactly. But I think I know what happened anyway." I scrunched my eyes shut.

Dropping to my knees beside him, I eased myself under him, supporting him in my lap. "Are you awake, my friend?" But I could feel him drifting away, so I reached out my hand to him, desperately hoping that I could help him, keep him from falling. Please ... please take it. Hold on. I am still your brother, Anakin. And I forever will be.

I opened my eyes and silently stared at Obi-Wan.

He was a little surprised and uncomfortable, and, though he hardly showed it on the outside, he may as well have shouting on the inside. I could see it plain as day. He looked down. "What is it, Anakin?"

I stared at him for a while longer before I found any words. "I wasn't dreaming, was I?"

He frowned. "When you are referring to?"

"Just before – like, two or three seconds ago."

"Do you mean when you closed your eyes before?" When I nodded, he pursed his lips. "Well, I suppose you could have been dreaming."

"But I wasn't sleeping. And-and it was like I was seeing things through your eyes."

Now I had his attention. "You were seeing it through my eyes?" Then he asked quietly, "What did you see?"

"I saw myself, I guess," I answered awkwardly. "You were looking at me, supporting me in your lap as I lay on the floor of Maul's base. You asked if I was awake, but I didn't respond. I don't think I was conscious."

Obi-Wan looked incredulous. "That was a memory – in my mind. I'm not sure how you could see that."

I pulled distractedly at the sheets on my bed but stopped when the movement of my arm sent a stab of pain on my side. I watched curiously as Obi-Wan also winced, pressing his hand against his own side in the same place that mine hurt. "Did you get injured, too?"

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