Chapter 4

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"I am a slow learner."

My heart pounded, arms straining from the effort of holding the red lightsaber off my beloved master. I gave it a shove, pushing it up and away from Obi-Wan.

"Anakin!" He tossed me his weapon, so I caught it and engaged in a rapid battle with Count Dooku. We fought around the chamber, our sabers humming as we swiped at and attacked each other.

I tried to keep my focus on my opponent, tried to push my emotions aside, tried to stop my eyes from flicking back to where my master lay injured. Then the lights were cut, and I had to rely on my training and instincts to stay alive. But I didn't just want to survive. I wanted to win. I wanted to prove to Obi-Wan that I could hold my own and that I was strong enough. But more than anything I wanted his approval. I had failed him the first time, and I didn't intend to do it again.

Dooku made a swift stroke and sliced my green lightsaber in half, at the same time halving my hopes of success. I kept pushing, testing him, waiting for him to make a mistake. But I was tiring. The physical strain, coupled with my recent electrocution, was taking its toll.

I made a thrust, my muscles complaining of the overexertion, and I left myself open. Dooku swung his lightsaber down ....

"Anakin? Anakin, wake up!"

I sat up hurriedly, breathing hard, heart pounding in my chest, and it took me a moment to realize that Obi-Wan was kneeling beside my bed, his hand on my shoulder. His eyes flicked over me in concern.

"Having bad dreams?" he asked quietly.

"It was something like it," I responded uncertainly.

He nodded and sighed. "Me, too."

I was a little surprised. "I thought people like you ... didn't have bad dreams."

His gentle smile helped to calm my thumping heart. "You learn something new every day."

I returned his smile with a small one, then tucked up my knees as I swung around to face him. "What were you dreaming about?"

His face darkened, and he averted his gaze. "I-it was just a dream."

I caught my breath. Mother was in my arms, her beautiful face scarred and bruised. I heard her every cry of agony and despair ringing in my ears as I gazed down at her.

"I'm here now, it's okay," I murmured, my heart breaking at the very sight of her. If only I'd come sooner ....

"I ... love ... y—" Her voice, barely above a whisper, burned into my heart as she breathed her last breath. Her body fell limp, and I felt the blood pounding in my temples. I couldn't believe it. Those dreams I had been having ... they were true. Why didn't I listen? Why couldn't I do anything? Why wasn't I better?

In a blind fury of rage and grief, I ignited my lightsaber.

I flinched when I felt a hand squeezing my knee.

"Anakin, are you alright?" Obi-Wan's voice was soft in the still room and his hand softer.

I forced myself to unclench my iron grip on the sleeping bag. "What was your dream about?" I whispered.

He frowned slightly as concern mingled with confusion. "Why should it matter, Anakin? You're very tense."

My eyes were fixed to his as my heart pounded in my chest. It was all I could to stop my grief and anger from expressing themselves through my hands shaking. "Was it about ... someone?"

He started before answering hesitantly, "Well, yes, it was." He flinched under my intensity, his eyes flicking uncertainly between mine. "What is it?"

"Who?" I asked in a low voice, barely above a whisper but loud enough to be a shout in the silence of the room.

He looked down. "It was about .... Well, don't worry. It was only a dream," he repeated gently, lifting his eyes to meet mine.

"Who was it, Obi-Wan?" I half-begged. "Please!"

Again, he was taken aback. Then he sighed, once more dropping his gaze to his lap. "If you really must know, it was about you." He glanced up at me in resignation, almost as though to see if his answer satisfied me.

His response startled me. "You were dreaming about me?" When he nodded silently, I softened. "Why was it bad?"

He fixed his gaze in the distance. "I'm sure it was just a dream, but ...."

"... it felt so real," I finished for him, then looked down. "What happened?"

He watched me curiously before continuing. "We were here, on Felucia, and we had just dealt with another troupe of droids. I was distracted by something, and when I looked back to you, you had fallen into a hole that had somehow opened up beneath you. I couldn't do anything about it. I thought I lost you," he ended very quietly.

I tentatively touched his hand, offering any comfort I could. "I'm here, Obi-Wan. I'm okay."

He didn't return my invitation, refusing to accept it, so I tried getting down to his level. I slid off the bench, sleeping bag and all, and crouched down so that I was eye-level with him.

"We're a team," I said earnestly. "What can't we face?"

He sighed heavily, and I saw the first hint of a glistening in the corner of his eye. "Anakin, I-I have ... I think we should get going." He started to get up, and I couldn't help but notice the slightest shaking of his head as he did so. He pulled a smile and gave me a hand to help me up.

I tried not to let my emotions get the better of me and attempted to put duty first. We had a job to do. But I still felt the mental drain from my flashbacks. I knew right from the outset that I wasn't concentrating well.

We left the ship, maintaining the silence, the tension so thick I could have reached out and plucked it. We picked the same direction to search for droids, though neither of us spoke a word. Somehow I knew that something big was about to happen today. I didn't know if that was good or not.

Ten minutes passed, and we still managed to say nothing. It was worse than torture. The Force swirled and gathered, warning of danger approaching. The Dark Side hung densely in the air, clouding our awareness, but I was sure that through the heavy veil of darkness I sensed something else – something that made my heart both leap and sink simultaneously. I felt like a walking paradox.

I shot Obi-Wan a glance, but he wouldn't make eye contact, not even look at me. We were just about to round a corner, and Obi-Wan's shields were so solid I couldn't feel his presence hardly at all. We might as well have been a whole galaxy apart, not three feet away. Then we turned the corner. And my world collapsed.


I had some fun writing this chapter, I liked the dreams parts, but I hope they weren't too confusing for y'all. And here we go again, Obi-Wan's still not speaking, oh dear, this may not end well. XD

We've got another cliffhanger ending, but I hope yous are still enjoying reading! I enjoyed writing it. :)

Btw, if anyone sees spelling or grammar mistakes, please let me know. It annoys me when mistakes slip my notice, no matter how hard I try! lol

Also, thanks so much for the votes! Much appreciated! <3

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