Chapter 8

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I watched Ahsoka carefully, unhooking my lightsaber from my belt as I did so. As much as it hurt me to need a weapon when approaching my padawan, I couldn't risk her beating me and taking me back to Maul. Wait a minute .... "Hello, Ahsoka," I greeted her quietly.

The teenage Togruta whipped around, her twin sabers out in front of her, humming warningly. "You've finally decided to show up, Master? You took your time. One would almost think you didn't care about me."

It felt like someone had just punched me in the gut, knocking every scrap of oxygen out of my lungs, and I faltered momentarily. How could I ever not care about her?

Sensing my discomfort, she winced and allowed a thin stream of regret to trickle through our bond before she snapped it shut again. She straightened up, spinning her lightsabers around her hands. "Is it to be a fight, then?"

I swallowed my emotions and readjusted my grip on my weapon. "I guess so." And then we commenced. Like last time, Obi-Wan looked after the droids while I looked after Ahsoka. Her fighting was fierce, but I sensed a deeper exhaustion and frustration in her. Despite that, I picked up on hints of pleasure and relief at our presence. She was happy to see us.

I swung for her, catching both her lightsabers on mine then pushing back. "I never got to say thanks for saving my life with the bomb, Snips," I started cheerfully, dodging a blow to my shoulder. "So, thanks for saving my life with the bomb."

She tried to look annoyed and serious, but the Force burned with embarrassed pride as she took a swipe at my legs. "Well, you know, Skyguy, someone has to watch your back. You won't do it, so I guess you need me for that. It's a wonder you've made it so far without me!" she quipped cheekily, a grin tugging at her lips.

"Don't get too cocky. Maul might want to keep you," I responded lightly, ducking her swing before tossing in one of my own.

Her eyes widened, and she threw her weight against her sabers. "You know Maul's behind this?" she hissed, eyes darting across to where Obi-Wan was fighting the droids. "I thought only I knew that!"

I chewed my lip, deflecting her blow. "Yeah, I do. I wasn't really supposed to tell anyone, but firstly, you already knew, secondly, I made no promises to him, and finally, I might have forgotten," I ended sheepishly.

"Does Obi-Wan know?" she whispered, watching him for a few seconds before turning her attention back to me.

"No. I don't think so." I aimed a punch for her side, then purposefully missed, instead getting my arms tangled in hers. We wrestled for a moment before I flicked her over my back and down my shoulder.

She landed with style, rolling gracefully and springing to her feet. "He's been expounding his plans to me." She hesitated, casting a furtive glance around the area before continuing in a low voice, "I'm worried for you guys. He's totally bent on revenge, and I don't know that anything is going to pacify him except for ...," she trailed off, looking a mix of disgust and fear.

I swept my blade at hers, using the same tone as I asked cautiously, "Except for what?"

She screwed her face in revulsion, pulling a tight twist, then throwing a lunge at me. "Except for blood."

I sighed. "I know. He mentioned something on the topic to me earlier."

"You've talked to him, too?" She looked curious, cocking her head and making her padawan beads swing to the side.

"Yeah, I have," I admitted, dodging to avoid another of her swipes. "He's ... certainly interesting."

She snorted. "I would have said more like a guy who's way too cocky for his own good, who thinks he has all the power in the world, and who uses that imaginary power over people." She fell silent suddenly, focusing on her fighting more intensely.

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