Chapter 12

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I blasted Maul back, shouting for Ahsoka to come. I picked Obi-Wan up as carefully as I could with the limited time that we had.

My padawan staggered to her feet, looking for all the world as though she had just rolled out of bed. "What's ... happening?" she croaked, glancing around dazedly as she raced after me.

"We're getting out of here," I called over my shoulder as I used the Forced to sweep aside the two troopers who were guarding the north exit. Another brush of the Force opened the door, which we barrelled through. I could hear Maul behind us, so I quickly shut the door, again with the Force, as we sped down the dark hallway. My heart was pounding so hard I was feeling giddy.

Ahsoka knew her way around the base, so we made it out much faster than if I had been leading the party. Obi-Wan didn't stir, which worried me slightly, but I was glad he didn't have to see our messy exit.

"Get to the ship! It's this way!" I indicated with my hand, which was a bit pointless, considering I was heading in that direction, but I did it anyway.

We raced through the vegetation as fast as we safely could, though our progress was impeded by my constant checking behind. Was he following us? But I never saw him, and neither did I sense his presence. Maybe it had worked after all ....

By the time we made it to the ship, both Ahsoka and I were gasping and exhausted. "We're ... almost there, Snips," I panted, readjusting Obi-Wan on my back.

"Great," she laughed in between breaths. "I could ... use a rest, I think."

We boarded the ship, and I glanced behind once more. He wasn't following us. I carefully placed Obi-Wan on the bench-bed, my hand trailing down his fingers. "Maul was wrong," I whispered. "I will look after you, even if it –"

"Master?" Ahsoka poked her head around the corner from sitting in the cockpit. "Are we going to Coruscant?"

I looked across at her. "Could you check Obi-Wan for me? I'll swap places with you."

She nodded, hopping out of the pilot's seat, and came to back to check him over, so I went into the cockpit. I could hear Ahsoka chatting away to Obi-Wan, but I didn't pay much attention to what she was saying. Punching in the coordinates, I set the course for Coruscant, then pressed a few other buttons and flipped some switches, preparing the ship for the flight. Once that was accomplished, I went to back to Ahsoka. "Do you mind flying? I think Maul hit me on the head a few too many times for me to be called a safe driver."

She smirked, lightly punching my shoulder. "I'm gonna have to change your name to Groundguy, aren't I?"

I laughed. "You could do that." Then I hesitated. "You're a good padawan, Snips."

She watched me quizzically. "Thanks. You're a good master." She was about to throw in a cheeky comment but changed her mind when she sensed the seriousness behind my words.

I smiled, then pulled her into a tight hug. "Look after Obi-Wan," I murmured quietly. Then I stepped back and gave her an overexaggerated salute. "Fire her up, Cap'n. I'm not coming with you guys because I've got something that needs tending to. You're in charge, okay? I need you to get out of here as fast as you can." I put my hand on her shoulder, staring deep into her blue eyes. "Can I trust you to do that? Get yourself and Obi-Wan safe, and don't worry about me. You should get a message once you arrive at Coruscant, and that should explain some things."

She looked back at me anxiously, her fingers running down her padawan beads nervously. "Will you be alright?"

I gave her small smile. "Knowing that you guys are safe will make me the most alright I can be. I'm counting on you, Snips."

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