Chapter 13

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I was lying on the bench, jolted into consciousness when I felt a gloved hand trailing down my fingers. "Maul was wrong," a familiar voice whispered from above me. "I will look after you, even if it –"

"Master?" Ahsoka's voice came from somewhere close by. "Are we going to Coruscant?"

"Could you check Obi-Wan for me?" I noticed how he avoided the question. "I'll swap places with you."

I felt gentle hands with delicate fingers checking for my pulse and searching for any major injuries.

"Now, you'd better get better," the padawan instructed me cheerfully. "Anakin's just doing some stuff in the cockpit, and he'll probably be back in a minute or two. He's real worried about you, so you've gotta get well, okay? We should be back at Coruscant soon, and then we can get you fixed up there."

Then I heard Anakin come back over. "Do you mind flying? I think Maul hit me on the head a few too many times for me to be called a safe driver."

Oh, that's right. Maul was behind this all along! He wouldn't have just let us go. So how did we escape? Anakin ...?

Then I drifted unconscious again, but I was roused quickly when I felt hands once again touching mine. This time, they were placing something in mine – a lightsaber, by the feel of it. Though I wasn't entirely conscious, I did give the person's hand – Anakin's, I'd say – a squeeze as it brushed mine. Why would Anakin be giving me his lightsaber? That seems odd. Wait ... no, no, no! He's giving me his ...?!

I tried to move, tried to express the growing panic that was rising in my heart, but I wasn't awake enough to move – just awake enough to think.

"I forgive you, my friend." Anakin's voice was soft, sorrowful, even.

My heart skipped a beat. But what for, Anakin? What's going on? Please, talk to me! And don't do whatever crazy thing you're about to! If you're trying to get redemption for the wrong thing you feel you've done, don't do it! Please, Anakin!

"Be good to Padmé."

No, Anakin, stop! Why should I need to be good to her? Why can't you do that? Don't go, please, Anakin, please, please, please! Then as though making a last-ditch attempt, I blurted in my mind, "You're my brother!"

Despite my mental yelling, Anakin turned to go, but then he hesitated. "You were my brother, Obi-Wan. I-I ... I have to go."

No, Anakin, noooo! But my body stolidly refused to move, leaving me to feel my friend's presence slowly slipping out of the ship and leaving me to hear his words bouncing around in my head. "Maul was wrong ... You were my brother ... I will look after you, even if it –" Even if it what? Even if it ... kills you?

Finally, I succeeded in forcing my eyes open and sat up slowly, holding Anakin's lightsaber lightly in my fingers. Something else slid off my chest and would have hit the ground if I hadn't jerked my hand out and caught it. It was a small, grey disc with six spokes radiating out from the centre, which was composed of a little green light. I traced my fingertips along the spokes until I reached the light, then nudged it, wondering if it was a button of some sort. The spokes lifted up, and a blue screen flickered into life. White type appeared on the holographic screen.

"You had better not back out of this. I will find you, and your friends, if you do."

My heart leapt into my throat. Anakin must have had this. Back out of ... what? Anakin, please, why wouldn't you talk to me?

I turned over the little device in my hands, pausing when I spotted a symbol on the underside. Was that an "S" for Sith? No, it probably stood for "Shadow Collective," considering Maul was involved. So he had been sending messages to my padawan, had he? I thought Anakin was hiding something from me.

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