No More Attempts

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Sorry guys I know I'm very late but as it is I was really pissed off with what all that was going against my boy Parth because of that I couldn't concentrate on writing so I decided not to write instead of giving a crap.Once again sorry.
Happy reading

Next morning as usual completing all her morning chores and instructing Neelam after she arrived Seher left for work. She was on time so she took the fast local. She loves to travel by the Mumbailocals because it takes her back down the memory lane of her college days. Those days when she and her friend used to travel by the local. Now she's traveling by the first class  but earlier those days they used to travel by the second class even tough she had a first class pass as well.
According to Seher traveling in the second class was totally a different experience. The crowded compartments, kids crying, vendors selling different things, aunties fighting for seat, lending a hand to the person who's just about to miss the train, all this could be experienced only in the second class of the local. Everyone from different places yet everyone together for each other and there's a reason why the Mumbailocals are called as the Lifeline of Mumbai. Only a Mumbaikar would understand the joy and experience of locals. Thinking about those days a smile crept on her lips. Reaching the office taking her phone and the dairy she kept her bag on her desk and walked to the cabin
where her boss was already there. To be on the safe side as to what happened yesterday she turned on the flashlight and that really helped her coz the room was dark. She switched on the lights just to notice her boss sitting on his chair with his eyes closed and head resting back on the chair. Picking up the things in her way which were again lying there she walked towards him keeping the things at their place and stood there near his chair keeping some distance. Standing there she wished Manik good morning to which he opened his eyes ,sitting straight and hmmmed in response.

Seher : Good morning Sir!

Manik : Hmmm

Seher : Good morning Sir!

Manik : I heard it Miss Baig (irritated)

Seher : I think Sir if someone wishes you so you should wish them back. (in a polite tone)

Manik : Miss Baig are you my teacher?

Seher : Han??? (confused)

Manik : Then why are you trying to teach me manners... and besides that what's so good about the morning?

Seher : Sorry sir, yes I'm not your teacher and I'm not trying to teach you manners, but it's just that normally people wish each other like this... and Sir we're still alive and breathing in a new day that's more than enough for the morning to be good , infact we should thank God for it because there are so many who are not that lucky.

It won't be wrong to say that Manik was lost in her words and his trance was broken by her voice who was calling him continously , asking whether he was fine..

Manik : Han!!! Yes..........ummmm.... (clearing his throat) yeah I'm fine...
(sighing) Good morning...(looking here and there) yeah....whatever

Seher : (suppressing her laugh) sir should I start with today's schedule.

Manik : Hmmmm... Go ahead.

Seher updated Manik that he had a meeting at 11am with  Mr Khurana the owner of the Q label regarding the new album, followed by a conference call as soon as he gets free. At 3pm the Sehgal's will be visiting regarding their new deal.

Seher : That's it for today Sir...

Manik : Hmmm.... (working on his laptop) The files I gave you yesterday are they done Miss Baig.

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