Avyanna Chase 3

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I carefully walked Alex towards the bathroom. "Get the fuck out!" I yelled at the students that were there and they hurriedly ran.

I helped Alex sit on the floor, and quickly searched his bag for the water bottle. I sat beside him and helped him drink the water. He took a few sips and I put the bottle aside.

I took his face in my hands and forced him to look at me. He was sweating, his lip still quivering, his eyes were red with tears running down his cheeks. I quickly hugged him and he held onto me like a lifeline.

I physically felt the pain as my heart broke seeing him like this. I failed. I didn't protect him.

I was seething inside my fist clenched so hard my nails were painfully digging inside my palms, but I didn't care at that moment.

Unwrapping my hands, I took his face in my hands and wiped his tears, "I am so sorry" I whispered and blinked back tears. "My teacher kept me after class. I promise it'll never happen again."

He just looked down, "Are you hurt! Did he touch you!" I asked hurriedly, while checking him.

"No. You came just in time." he whispered and looked up at me with a small smile.

"What happened Alex. Tell me what you're thinking." I asked because I knew something was bothering him. "Please," I whispered, my voice cracking a little.

"I am a loser." He lowered his face in embarrassment.

"What! No- no, Alex! Who said that?" I was fuming now.

"God Alex,why would you ever say that? You're not a loser, if anyones a fucking loser then its them, the bullies and all the people that didn't do a single shit to interfere. You're a million times better than them.

You helped me at my worst time. You helped that dog who was stuck in a fence. You gave the girl your own homework so that she wouldn't get in trouble? And so many more fudging things, that I lost count of, Alex.

No loser would have done those things. You're the bravest person I know." I whispered, pointing my finger right above his heart. "You're brave from here."

How do I tell him that he's anything but a loser and that he's the reason I am even alive.

He suddenly hugged me tightly.

"Thanks sis," he mumbled.

I hugged him back.

After a few moments, I asked, "Are you alright now? Do you need anything?"

He shook his head with a smile.

"Come on then let's get back to class yeah?" I smiled.

He nodded and we walked out of the bathroom. The hallways were empty now. I looked at my watch, we're halfway through the second lecture. So we decided to hit the library, or more like Alex decided to hit the library. I would just be hanging out or annoying him there.

We sat on the couch, and I decided to kill my time on the phone. Alex came with a book and sat on another couch, away from me, I raised my eyebrows questioningly, with a little smirk playing on my lips.

He stuck his tongue out playfully.

Aw man there goes my plan of annoying him.

I pouted, and he shook his head while chuckling.

After about 30 minutes we heard the bell ring, so we got up and walked towards our classes.

I walked Alex to his class first and did some flirting with his classmates. Hah. More like threatening. Then I walked to my class I had economics now. Man, I hate that subject.

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