Chapter 2

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After that weekend something kept telling me that I was pregnant but I was still in denial.

I was in the car on my way to my grandmas house, she was like my best friend I loved talking to her.

As we were pulling in I began getting this feeling almost like nausea but it didn't effect me too much. I walked in her house and sat at the big stool in the kitchen, considering that's where my grandma spent most of her time.

She came in greeted with a odd looking facial expression, a look of worry, hurt, and disappointment all in one and a hug.

After a few minutes of us sitting in complete silence, I had no choice but to wonder where her mind was considering the fact we almost never sit in complete silence with each other. "Whats wrong grandma?" I asked. "Mariah I had this dream that you got a text message on your phone it was from the clinic and they were confirming that you were pregnant. "

Another wave of nausea and guilt hit the pit of my stomach...

"But we wouldn't have to worry about that would we l?" She said jokingly.

 "Of course not." I said trying to convince myself as well as her that her statement was true. 

Hours go by...

It was around time to leave grandmas so I just waited patiently for my dad to come get me. When he was pulling up, I gave my grandma a hug and told her goodbye and that I love her. On my way back home, I was in deep thought and thinking how weird that my grandma would have a dream like that. It almost made me cry because I was her first grandchild, and I was suppose to have more going for myself. Once we got home I went to my room and I pulled out my phone and searched up the symptoms of being pregnant. Of course I just had to have every single last one of them..

I was so confused and hurt and scared. How would I tell my family that I could possibly be pregnant. I just drifted off to sleep, end up sleeping all the way to the next day. By the time I got up it was about time to get up for church. I started getting ready, but I couldn't fit my favorite dress as well as I used to be able too. But maybe I was just eating good. I laughed at that in my mirror as I rubbed my stomach like I was fat and full. One thing about me is that I tried to make a situation better than it actually was, that's all I was trying to do.

I finished getting dressed and went upstairs to get something to eat, thanks to my step mom, she came in clutch by having a breakfast fixed. So of course I smashed and by the time it was time for us to leave.

Hours go by...

We were out of church and on our way to my grandma's house. When we arrived the rest of the family was already there. For some reason when I was greeting everybody I got this weird vibe around them kind like I wouldn't feel welcomed if they were to find out I was pregnant. So I decided to stay to myself while over my grandma's today. Luckily my grandfather built me my own tree house when I was little, it was kind of like my getaway from my family spot.

I was up there almost the entire time we were at my grandmas.

3 hours later..

It was time for us to leave and I was so happy. When we got home I went straight to my room. My daddy came in like 10 minutes later. "You okay?" he asked. "Yeah, why you ask that?"

"You've been really quiet today and you just seem uneasy." as he studied my face for any sign of a lie. "Nothing is wrong daddy" I said with a smile I managed to fake. For some reason when it came to my daddy I always got sensitive because it was like he can look at me and tell something was wrong even when I looked fine. It was right in that moment that I knew he didnt believe me or the fake smile I manage to try and fake. "If I guess, will you tell me if I'm right?" "Maybe..."

"Your pregnant???!!!"

At that point, I bust out in tears and I told him that I didn't know for sure. He gave me a hug and told me to get in the car we were going to take a ride and talk. We went and talked about how I wanted my future to go if I was pregnant and if I wasn't. Then we went to Walgreen's and he bought me a pregnancy test and we went home.

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