Chapter 2

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II: Jungkook 

"Here kitty kitty! Where are you?"

I had spent the last 30 minutes looking around the house for the tabby cat, even going as far as to shake his metal bowl full of cat food pellets. I looked in every nook and cranny inside the house, as well as underneath the beds and desks. Seriously, I deserved a medal for the way I was handling this situation.

When I had come back from gathering all the cat necessities from the Clement's house, the cat, namely Fuzzy Wuzzy, was gone. I wasn't worried though, thinking that he would show up around dinnertime.

I was wrong.

It was already well past 8 o'clock at night, and he still was nowhere to be seen. I hadn't left the door open, so I knew that he was somewhere in the house; I just couldn't find him.

Opening the living room door, I decided to do one last sweep of the room, just in case he was lurking in one of the shadowy corners or underneath the sofa.

To my surprise, I spotted the tabby shape sitting in front of the wide screen door, paws tucked neatly underneath himself, and amber eyes staring off into the gathering darkness. There was no way that he had been there this whole time, which means that he must have moved. I shook my head and walked towards him.

"Fuzzy Wuzzy?" I asked, putting down the metal bowl in front of him. "Where have you been? I looked everywhere for you! There's no way that you were just staring out the window this whole time!" The cat simply glanced at me, then looked away, seeming more intent on watching the sun set over the horizon. He didn't even try and touch his food.

"Where were you hiding kitty?" I sat down beside him, seeing the first stars appear in the sky. "I couldn't find you anywhere."

The cat only purred, then heaved himself to his paws and walked towards the front door, nails making a click clack sound on the tile. Once there, he meowed plaintively, lightly scratching at the door with one paw. He then turned and looked at me and meowed again, obviously wanting to be let out.

I frowned. "You want to go outside kitty? Do you want some fresh air?" If cats could nod, Fuzzy Wuzzy was doing just that. The scratching on the door intensified. I sighed and stood up, brushing off any cat food that may have stuck on my jeans. "Fine. But don't blame me if a vampire comes and eats you up," I said jokingly, and I could have sworn that the tabby rolled his eyes.

Opening the door, a gust of cold air hit me straight in the face, making me shiver. Looking down at the cat, I saw that he had taken a few steps forward and paused to taste the air, mouth slightly open. I yawned, thinking that my work was over.

"Well, come back before 9 pm, kitty. Or else I can't promise that you'll be let in. Now, bye." Before I could close the door, the cat thrust a paw into the opening, much like Mr. Clements had done earlier that day. He meowed loudly, then started to walk forward. When he realized that I wasn't following, he looked back and meowed again.

"You want me to come with you?" The cat made no movement, simply watching me with those unsettlingly amber eyes. I hesitated, remembering all those attacks that had happened. Vampire or not, they were still downright scary. "I don't think that's a good idea kitty. I'll come with you in the morning, how about that?"

Running back to me, the cat tugged on the laces of my Timberlands, trying to pull me forwards. I gave up, sighing in defeat. "All right, all right. Fine, I'll come with you. Just wait a moment."

Tugging my jacket off the coat rack, I shrugged it on while walking out of the house. The cat, obviously impatient, started walking before I could put on a scarf, so I just left it behind. It wasn't that cold outside anyway.

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