Chapter 22

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Hi! Unedited, but still, i thought that I should post it. about 1400 words. short.

XXII: Jungkook

When I open my eyes, everything around me is still dark. Moonlight seeps in through the window, but even its silver rays aren't enough to pierce through the darkness surrounding me. I'm in a bed, soft white sheets over my boy and something heavy around my shoulders. I extend my hands, trying to feel my way through my black surroundings, only for them to run straight into a wall.

At least, that's what it feels like. It takes me a moment to realize that it's not a wall, but a person. A person who has an arm thrown around my shoulders and is breathing steadily.


That means that this place is the healing center. And I'm in his bed. Sleeping next to him. How had I ended up like this? My cheeks burn from the thought.


"Ssh, my love. Go back to sleep." He whispers, caressing my hair. Evidently, he's awake. Even through the darkness, I can make out his fine features and glowing eyes.

"What am I doing in your bed?"

"You fell asleep on the chair, and I didn't want to move you in case you woke up. I also didn't like the idea of someone else carrying you to your room, so now you're here sleeping with me. I hope it isn't too unpleasant."

"Well, no, but―"

"Then sleep," He says, pulling me closer to his chest. "Don't worry, I won't do anything." I feel my heart thudding in my chest, and the warmth of his hand is surprisingly comforting. There is barely any space between us, and I'm aware of the red blooming on my cheeks. Now sleep seems almost impossible when I'm pressed against a hard chest which rises and falls with every breath.



"Is there really going to be a war?" I had heard Yoongi and Namjoon talking about it frequently enough, but because Taehyung was almost never home during those hours, I had never asked about the specifics. Now seemed like a good time as any.

Taehyung shifts his sleeping position so that he looks down at me. "It's not something that you should trouble yourself over."

"But it is!" I sit up. "Jimin told me that I have an important role to play. I want to know what that is. Besides, I'm―I'm your soulmate! I should know."

"If you must, then yes, there will be a war. A war against the Sirius and Shadow Valley. In London. It cannot be stopped. And your role... " His eyes glow red. "Your role will be to become my queen. A king without a queen is incomplete. With you, I will finally be able to reach the peak of my power. And I will also have someone to love for eternity." He nuzzles his face into my hair, and I giggle, pushing him away. Suddenly, a thought strikes me.

"Will you have to go?" I ask, and he nods, fingers weaving through my hair."I'm the leader of a clan, Jungkook. That means that I have certain responsibilities."

"But I don't want you to go," I whisper, aware that I'm sounding very childish. "I want you here. By my side."

"You can't choose war Jungkook," Taehyung says almost kindly, pulling me closer. "War choses you. And when it does, you have to be ready to fight. All the leaders of clans have been in battle at least once. I'm no different."

The importance of the situation seems to sink in, and I shiver. War means blood. War means killing. War means death. And even though vampires were immortal, they could die by the blade of a sword. That meant that Taehyung could die. My soulmate could die in less than three days.

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