Chapter 17

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Thank you so much for 3k !!!!💜💜 A scene in the video above is kind of what happens in this chapter. It's in Japanese, so sorry, but the video quality was good, so I chose it. Not all of it is relevant, but you'll see which parts are. About 1:17 to 1:44. 

XVII: Jungkook 


Shadow spirits. My grip on Taehyung's hand becomes crushing, and he squeezes back reassuringly. "Where?" My voice is a hushed whisper.

"All around us. Don't," he warns when he sees me going for my bracelet. "Don't get a weapon. Don't run. They'll only attack if we do that. Just follow my steps and walk calmly."

Even though every bone in my body is telling me to run, I follow Taehyung's directions. I match him step for step as we wind through the twisting alleyways. Shadows seem to detach themselves from the walls as we pass, following us through the darkening city. I clutch onto Taehyung's arm as I see ghostly shapes flit past.

"You're doing well Jungkook," Taehyung whispers into my ear. "Just a few more minutes." Dark shapes seem to be coming from the other end of the alleyway, vaguely humanoid, but walking in a jerky way which tells me that whatever they are, they are far from human. As they get closer, I think I can see their shadowy arms; only wisps of blackness barely visible in the dark. They reach out to us, long misshapen fingers beckoning. I close my eyes in terror.

I feel Taehyung abruptly turn left, down yet another backstreet, throwing off our pursuers. But not for long. Outraged shrieks follow our tracks, and I think I hear the rustle of shadows on the ground.

"Damn. They found us, didn't they?" Before I can blink, Taehyung turns around, scimitar gleaming by his side. He whips his scim through the neck of a spirit right behind us, just before his shadowy fingers can touch my shoulder. The specter gives an unearthly scream as his head plunges to the ground. Seconds later, the head―along with the body―sinks into the stone and disappears.

"We have to run. That scream was probably a call to every specter in London. Now would be a good time to get your sword ready. Always aim for the neck, and don't let them touch you!" Taehyung grabs my hand and pulls me along as we run through the streets of London. Many times, I hear the scrape or growl of something behind us, but I don't dare turn around. I let Taehyung navigate the streets, putting all my strength into outrunning whatever was chasing us. We turn around so many corners that I don't know where we are anymore and my legs burn from the strain.

Finally, we seem to come to a dead end. A high brick wall prevents us from going any further, and the sounds behind us grow increasingly louder. Taehyung mutters something and turns around, pushing me protectively behind him. I quickly take the bracelet off my wrist, watching as it turns into a leather grip double-bladed sword in my hands. The balance is a bit off, but it would have to do.

Peeking out from behind Taehyung, I stifle a scream. Those shadowy figures we saw in the alleyway walk towards us in their masses, their movements slowing as if they know that now we have nowhere to run. Their eyes are total blank holes, but I got the feeling they could see us just fine. They break into ranks, steadily filtering into the alleyway in wisps of shadow. More watch from the top of nearby roofs, like spiders, watching our every move.

Suddenly, three of them break out of line and run towards us, ignoring the disapproving hiss of their leader. Two of them head towards Taehyung, but one looks at me, no doubt thinking that I would be easier to overcome. And he's right. As he lunges, I swallow down my intense fear and try to shove my blade into his chest. My sword hits its mark, but does absolutely no damage as the specter's shadowy body simply parts around the blade. How had Taehyung defeated the specter back in the alley? Aim for the neck.

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