Epilogue 2

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I actually really enjoyed writing this, so I hope you enjoy reading it! <3

Epilogue: Jeongguk


I don't know what he expects. I've never had any need for formal wear, so the fanciest thing I have is black battle fatigues embroidered with silver. And somehow, I don't think that's what he's looking for. Part of me wants to show up in clothes splattered with blood, just to see how V would react. But then again, that would just be embarrassing myself, and also calling the attention of every vampire in a hundred mile radius. I didn't want that.

I'm almost deciding to just go in a simple black tunic when the doorbell rings. In two seconds flat, I've wrenched the door open and have a knife pointed straight at the throat of whoever is on the other side. Experience has taught me that you never know when you might have some unwelcome visitors. But today, it is only a middle-aged vampire with a bag slung over his shoulder. A messenger, by the looks of it. But I know not to lower my guard. 

"Who are you?" I growl at him, pushing the knife in a little deeper. "How did you find me?"

"P-Please don't kill me!" The guys yelps. "I'm just delivering a package!"

"What package?" I snap, and the guy shakily holds out a wrapped, lumpy black... thing. I take it from him, not yet letting him go. "What is this?"

"I-I don't know," the poor guy's shaking now. "I'm just a messenger. I don't interfere with my client's wishes!"

I huff, and finally let go of him. The messenger takes this as a chance to run, muttering something about crazy guys with knives. I don't stop him, still intent on the package in my hands. I experimentally tear a corner of the packaging with a dagger and hold my breath, wondering if it is an explosive in disguise. But it does not explode. I tear it open, genuinely curious to what I will find. Inside, there is an expensive-looking black tuxedo, complete with black opal cufflinks. There's no note, but I can guess easily enough who had sent it. If I wasn't considering wearing blood-stained clothes before, I'm seriously thinking about it now. Even worse, the tuxedo actually fits me perfectly, almost as if it was tailored for my use only. Which it probably was. Next time I saw V, I was going to murder him.

My annoyance soon turns to intrigue as I find that my tuxedo has an unlimited number of pockets. I don't know if V picked that on purpose, but it's certainly useful. I tuck a few extra blades in the chest pocket of my tuxedo, along with some throwing stars hidden in my shoes. Just to be safe. I keep my mask on, checking myself in the mirror before leaving the house.

I had a party to survive.


I did not expect the building to be this massive.

The black marble palazzo looms over me like a tangible piece of the night, its great marble columns reaching towards the starless sky. Light shines from within, and people in fancy gowns and tuxedos walk up the dauntingly long staircase. A white fog has settled across the streets around the palazzo, curling around pillars and blanketing the cobblestone streets, lending the scene an eerie glow.

I double check and triple check the address on the slip of paper, hoping that I have it wrong. But no, this is the place. I groan quietly. Of all the places we could meet, why did V have to choose the place where I would have to do the most social interaction? As I start to walk up the stairs, I notice that all the people here are wearing masks. Feathered masks, reflective masks, wire masks, there are all kinds. Which can only mean one thing.

This is a masquerade.

Of course V would invite me to a bleeding masquerade.

A guard at the entrance stops me from entering, his eyes narrowing as he looks me up and down. He's a vampire, and I'm sure that I look shady to him just because I'm a shadow spirit.

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