Chapter 45

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Fear not! The boring chapters are almost over! We shall have some action soon!

This is a short but kinda sweet chapter.

XLV: Jungkook

The monster's smile is so much like Taehyung's that it makes me freeze for a second. The same boxy smile that I've seen for years and grown to love. The only difference is in the eyes. Taehyung's eyes always lit up, and were filled with life. Even from here, I can see that the monster's eyes are as unfeeling as the cold gray stone beneath my feet.

Casually taking five throwing stars from his belt, the monster examines them, before sending them whistling towards the battlement. They hit their marks with deadly accuracy, sinking into the chest, head, or heart of the archers. They drop dead, one by one, and I wonder if they even felt it.

"Jungkook..." Hoseok's hand on my shoulder grows crushing. "Move. We have to move."

But I find I cannot. Taehyung's scent, his gentle touch, his lips... everything that I crave for is right here. In the monster coming closer and closer. Part of my brain screams that it isn't him, that I should run, but I don't pay attention to it. Why should I, when all I loved has been ripped from me and cast into shadows? Maybe if I wished hard enough, I could imagine that the monster was Taehyung...

Hoseok curses, picking me up by the waist and making a run for the battlement door a few meters away. I hear the monster let out a low growl, but all those years of delivering messages has made Hoseok fast, because he makes it to the door in no time. Yoongi and Lisa are right behind us as Hoseok bangs open the door and we all fall in. Yoongi locks it behind us as something thumps on the other side. We all hold our breath, wondering if the monster would be daring enough to try and follow us inside. Apparently not, as after a minute, the footsteps start to retreat. We hear the ruffle of wings being spread, and then everything is quiet. Yoongi lets out a sigh of relief.

The quiet is broken far too soon as the rest of the group come up the stairs, talking in loud voices. But they pause when they see the looks on our faces.

"What happened?" Jimin asks, barely avoiding falling down the stairs when Namjoon accidentally bumps into him from behind.

"It's not safe to go up there anymore," Hoseok says, finally releasing his grip on my waist. "The monster―it attacked. Five archers are dead."

"Oh god," Jin gasps. "Are you guys okay?"

Lisa nods. "We're fine. It's a good thing we weren't all up there, though. We barely managed to lock the door in time. It's steel reinforced, so even the monster can't break through it."

Everyone starts talking at once, but I can't focus on anything they're saying. My thoughts are a jumbled mix in my head, and suddenly, I feel so weighed down by the weight of it all. Wanting to save Taehyung. Killing the monster. Saving Shadow Valley. This all is too much. Far too much pressure on my heart and shoulders.

I slide down against the wall, pulling my knees to my chest. This isn't right. I should be planning for the war. Not sitting down with my head in my arms like some kind of weakling. And yet, all I can think is, why us? What had we done to deserve so much pain, so much separation? All I wanted to do was fall into Taehyung's warm arms and stay there for eternity. To feel his passionate kisses on my lips. Was that too much to ask for? To have a bit of peace in our chaotic lives where we could be together?

"Hey," Hoseok's calm voice sounds through my torrent of thoughts. "It's okay. We're all okay." But it wasn't okay. Not until Taehyung was back with us. Not until his smiling face was looking down at me, and his "I love yous" filled our room at night. Every time I see those onyx black eyes where Taehyung's loving crimson eyes used to be, I feel closer to breaking completely.

"Jungkook, look at me." Surprisingly, it's Yoongi's sharp voice that cuts through my bubble of despair. "Look at me." I slowly raise my head, staring into his shining silver eyes. He removes my hands from my face, and even though his fingers are hard, there's a gentleness to them I haven't experienced.

"I'm not going to tell you not to be sad, because that's pointless. Fuck all those people who say that you always have to be strong. People don't work like that. Like Alastair said, your emotions make you living. You're allowed to feel heartbroken at what has happened to Taehyung. I know how much he meant to you, and how much you miss him. Cry your heart out. Empty out every drop of sadness you feel. It's much better than to keep it pent-up inside of you until it explodes and breaks you.

"But remember, Taehyung's still there. The monster may have taken over for now, but Taehyung's consciousness is still active. He showed us that when he stopped the monster from attacking you in the woods. No matter how far away he seems, he's watching you. And I bet my life that he wants the exact same things that you do. You meant more to him than anything the world could offer, Jungkook."

With a start, I see tears starting to pool in his silver eyes. "So don't you give up. Not when we finally have a chance of saving Taehyung once and for all. We're all in this together. I'll be the first to admit that your plan is crazy, but at least it gives us hope. And hope is all we have left at this point. If we let go of that, we'll have nothing left. So let's hang on to it, at least until this war is over, yeah?"

"Hyung..." Yoongi wipes the tears from his eyes on his sleeve, leaving his eyes red. I look around, to see everyone else trying to hold back tears too, and suddenly, I don't feel as alone as before. It may be corny, but it's the truth. 

"Thank you, hyung." I clasp onto his hand, and he pulls me up. I see him smile his genuine, gummy smile. "Anytime, Jungkook."

"Such a nice speech," We all turn to see Alastair standing at the end of the hallway, dressed in full battle armor. "And I'm so sorry to interrupt, but there's a war going on, if you haven't noticed. The chains are ready, and we managed to get all the men safely to the Central Square in the southern quarter. A small podium has been raised for you, Jungkook, and half the soldiers are hidden in the nearby buildings impossible to see from the air. The other half are needed to fight off the specters. What's your signal?"

"I'll try to talk to him alone first," I say. "But if I need your help... I'll whistle one note. Like a bird"

Alastair nods. "Very well. Make sure it's loud enough for everyone to hear. The rest of you," His gaze flits toward the group. "Get into position. The monster doesn't seem to be in the air right now, but I'm not sure how long that'll last. Quick!" They nod, and Yoongi gives my shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

"Good luck," I tell him.

"Thanks. You... remember that we're all here for you."

"I will," I promise, and he nods, before jogging over to the rest of the group disappearing down the hallway. Now, it's only Alastair and I left on this landing.

Alastair's gaze sweeps over the tears in my eyes. I no doubt look like a mess, with my red and puffy eyes. "Are you ready?"

"Doesn't matter if I'm ready." I say, wiping the tear stains off my face. "It's time."

Kind of a filler chapter before the real action :)

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