Chapter 8

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Long update!

VIII: Jungkook 

I couldn't sleep.

That was probably normal, considering that I was in the house of my kidnapper. I guess I wasn't developing Stockholm syndrome anytime soon.

I spent most of the early night tossing and turning in my bed, unable to sleep even though the bed itself was seriously comfortable.

So, when are we going to break out of here? My brain asked. You're not seriously thinking of staying, are you?

If I had been asked that same question 24 hours ago, I would have said no without any hesitation.

Now, the situation wasn't so easy.

First of all, whether I wanted it or not, I was somehow the soulmate of a powerful vampire king. I couldn't imagine Taehyung giving up and letting me go free. Second, they knew where I lived. Even if I managed to get through the forest and find my way back home, Jimin or Baekhyun could easily track me down. Living on the streets until this whole fiasco blew over didn't appeal to me. And thirdly... everyone I had encountered seemed like genuinely nice people. A little bloodthirsty, yes, but still nice. They didn't seem like the type of vampires who would hurt or kill me.

But if what Baekhyun said was true, there were others, other vampires who wouldn't mind sucking me dry. I wasn't sure how safe I would be beyond these castle walls. The only reason I had survived all those years in the human world was because Fuzzy Wuzzy (a.k.a. Baekhyun) had killed anybody who posed a threat to my existence. Suddenly, the room seemed to get colder, and the shadows became more menacing. I pulled the covers over my eyes so I couldn't see the shadows dancing on my walls.

After another hour passed by, I was done trying to sleep. I turned on my bedside lamp, and stared at the domed ceiling. Water, I thought. I need water.

I checked my watch: 2:00 am. If I went down right now, nobody would see me going. Jin and Jimin were fast asleep in their own bedrooms, and Baekhyun probably was too. If luck was on my side, I could possibly check out a few escape routes before returning to bed. A light bulb suddenly went off in my head. That door in the kitchen...

Flinging off the covers, I swung my feet off the bed, shivering as my feet touched the cold marble tile. Ignoring the chilly air around me, I opened my door a crack, and looked to see if anyone was in the hallway.


Luck seemed to be on my side.

Careful not to wake anybody up, I tiptoed down the corridor. At the end, I was met with two flights of stairs, both going in opposite directions. I stifled a sigh. I knew I should have paid more attention when Jimin was leading the way back from the kitchen!

I decided to try my luck with the right staircase.

Walking down the black marble stairs, my footsteps seemed to echo through the building. They were so loud that it would be a miracle if no one came to investigate. I couldn't have been happier when the stairs finally ended, and I was faced with a large glass door. Even though it was made of glass, I couldn't see the inside. The polished panes simply reflected my image back, so that I was staring at many different versions of myself. There was a keyhole next to the brass door handle, which already had a small gold key inserted into it.

This isn't the kitchen, my brain said, we should go back.

Just a peek, I told myself, going closer to inspect the key. Touching it with my fingertips, I took a deep breath, then twisted the small key.

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