Chapter 12

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XII: Taehyung 

He met Lucius.

That I'm sure of.

Massaging the silver coin between my thumb and forefinger, I stared at the design of the writhing snakes and the eye. The symbol of Shadow Valley. The coin itself is made of simicum iron, a heavy and powerful metal made only by one blacksmith in the whole vampire world. Beautiful to say the least. But I refused to believe he sent me this rare gift out of pure good will. He didn't have any good will.

Turning the coin over in my hands, I read the latin description at the back. 'Fire will consume fire till only ashes are left.' I curled my lip, staring at the message that Lucius had sent. I knew full and well that he was trying to intimidate me to forfeit from the war. He was also bold enough to send it through my soulmate. The bastard.

Curling my fingers around the coin, I concentrated all my power into my palm. Heat collected in my hand, making the simicum burn with fire. I made the metal bend and twist so that it was nothing more than a small iron ore. Curse this coin I thought, throwing it down into the void below. And curse Lucius too.

I then looked down at Jungkook in my arms. He hadn't woken yet from his sleep, so I asked Jimin to bring him here. Right now, he was contently snuggling on my lap, head leaning on my chest and lightly snoring. A thick cloak covered everything from the shoulders down, so only his head was peeking out. I kissed his temples lightly, caressing his smooth hair. Even in the darkness of the throne room, he seemed to shine with light. I wonder what he had seen in his dream. If Lucius had tried to threaten or torture him in any way, I would murder him. Get the flames away! Jungkook had cried. My throat constricted as an idea popped into my head. Had I somehow appeared in his dream? Had I hurt him? Oh gods...

The portal swirled to life in the middle of the hall, momentarily distracting me from my thoughts. I gently covered Jungkook's ears so that he wouldn't wake from the sound. He whined, but didn't stir, simply burying his face in my neck. Through the portal gate came a man with brown hair, and eyes shining with light like the sun. A ruby-hilted dagger hung from his belt, and he was wearing a blue robe which was fastened at the waist.


I nodded a greeting to him, not getting up in case I disturbed Jungkook. He looked at my sleeping soulmate and smiled. "I told you you would find him," he whispers, as he takes a scroll from his belt. "I told you."

"Yes, you did." I said, staring down at his beautiful pink lips, slightly parted as he breathed in and out. "You were right."

"I'm always right. Sunshine logic prevails," he said with a wink, and I cracked a smile. "What news do you have for me today Hoseok?" I asked, reclining back on the throne.

He hesitates, which isn't a good sign. "One of our spies reported back today. Shadow Valley is planning to attack London, England. In three days time at moonrise."

"London?" I glanced down at Jungkook. "Why London? They've only attacked smaller cities so far."

Hoseok shrugged. "Big city. Full of people. If they pull it off right, they can send a big message to the other vampire clans. And also to you..." he looked down at the still sleeping Jungkook, and I immediately got what he's saying. Attacking the home city of my soulmate would be like an indirect message telling me that he wouldn't be safe anywhere. I gritted my teeth. Damn Lucius, the scoundrel.

"The humans shouldn't be mixed up in this fight," I said. "They're innocent." Rubbing my temples, I emitted a long sigh. I hated that we had to start war on human territory, but drastic times called for drastic measures. I couldn't leave this challenge alone.

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