18. C'mon just stay.

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Before Chao-Xing could answer Nam-Joon he got nervous and said "I've never dated before because I dedicated my whole life to be an idol... Oh and also we might not spend a lot of time because of work..." 

"Are you done?" Chao-Xing asks to smile 

"I think sorry I'm just nervous," Nam-Joon says quietly 

"Let's try it," Chao-Xing says trying not to smile  

"Are you serious?" Nam-Joon asks again to clarify smiling 

"I can always change my mind" She teases him

"No No... I just thought my hand are about to fall off from shaking," Nam-Joon says 

Chao-xing goes to his grandpa's house to celebrate where she got to meet his mom that made her feel that she doesn't approve of them being together meanwhile all the other member were home having their day off playing video games making Yoon-gi extremely happy. 

"How do you think things going with Chao-xing and RM right now?" Jimin asks 

"Even though Nam-Joon is an idiot... I don't think she will reject him" Yoon-gi says 

Ho-Seok hears it and leaves the house to be alone making everyone question his behavior. He felt happy inside but at the same time, he had a feeling like he has lost to Nam-Joon and lost her. Having small hope that she might reject him. By the time he decided to come back home Nam-Joon and Chao-xing already came back.

"Ho-Seok where were you?" Nam-Joon asks him

"I had things to do" Ho-Seok lies

"She said yes!" Nam-Joon hugs Ho-Seok making him happy

'Why am I having mixed feelings' Ho-Seok thinks to himself

"Come on it's not like she said yes to marry you" Ho-Seok jokes

"Not yet," Nam-Joon says out loud without realizing he said it 

Chao-xing chokes on her water hearing it and says "I'm tired I'll go to my room" 

"Is he serious?" She closes the door whispering to herself and smiling

Nam-Joon comes in asking "Are you mad?" 

"No" She replies leaving 

"Then give me a kiss," Nam-Joon says standing proudly

Jimin comes in and asks "Why would I?" 

"Huh" Nam-Joon opens his eyes not seeing Chao-xing

"Not you," Nam-Joon says annoyed leaving to his room

Chao-xing sat in the living room putting on her earphones and starts playing a video game with Nam-Joon. He gets mad because he kept losing to her so he goes downstairs to see if anyone is helping her.  

He comes behind her "So you looking up tips?" 

She didn't hear him and turns around accidentally kissing his cheek making his face red. 

"Did you just kiss me?" He asks without thinking

She gets red as well saying "It was an accident" 

"You want more?" She asks seeing him getting his face closer to hers

He keeps turning his cheeks to her quietly asks for a kiss. 

"What's wrong with your neck?" Jimin asks again seeing his weirdness

"Turn around," Nam-Joon says 

"Why?" Jimin asks 

"Just do it," Nam-Joon says

Jimin turns around Nam-Joon whispers "Now you can give me a kiss" 

She kisses his cheek fastly meanwhile Jimin felt awkward trying not to laugh.

"Summer is coming up so I'll have to go to Shanghai," She tells Jimin and Nam-Joon

"What!" They both say in one voice

Sorry, I took so long to post the next chapter. I have been stressed applying to college but now I'll be posting more often. I promise the next chapter will be longer. 

Thank you for understanding I love you all

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