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The weddings of Lord Jason Grace, Marquis of Skye, to Miss Piper McLean and Lieutenant Perseus Jackson to Miss Annabeth Chase took place on the first of August, Lammas Day. Saint Agnes church rang its bells, not only in honor of the two couples but also to signal the start of the wheat harvest.
Annabeth opened the window. The fresh, earthy smell of freshly mown hay wafted into her bedroom at Skye Castle.
"What do you think of Jason's gift?" Piper said.
She held up a carved wooden busk for Annabeth's inspection. Lord Skye had inscribed roses and lovers knots on the busk along with the words: près de ton Coeur.
"entré tes seins would be more appropriate, " Annabeth replied.
Piper blushed and slid the busk into the front of her stays.
"You're positively indecent!"
Annabeth's own Dear Percy had also carved her a busk with ships, anchors, compasses, and other nautical symbols.

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Its message was "my anchor and my compass

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Its message was "my anchor and my compass."
Personalized busks were popular love tokens given to young ladies by their fiancés. Annabeth vowed to cherish her's forever.
When the maid had brought up her breakfast, Annabeth could only manage to hold down a few bites of the toast and a few sips of coffee. Piper looked at her as if she were going mad whenever she giggled for no apparent reason.
Annabeth's joy was so overpowering that she might perish and be whisked away to the Elysian Fields. No mortal could handle being this happy.
"What are you doing?" Piper said when Annabeth plopped down on the bed and threw her arms around her knees. She hugged them with all of her strength.
"Is it possible to die from such bliss?"
"Don't be silly! You'll rumple our gowns."
Their wedding dresses had been laid out across the foot of the bed.
Piper grabbed Annabeth's arms and pulled her to her feet. The maid smoothed out the snowy Indian muslin of the wedding dresses.
Piper's tied with a simple satin sash while Annabeth's featured an overlayer embroidered in gold thread.

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