Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Mea culpa, mea culpa," Annabeth said when she found Piper kneeling by her bed, saying the rosary. "Mea maxima culpa."
Piper rose to her feet and smoothed her skirts.
"You know it's the polite thing to knock?" she replied.
Annabeth shrugged her shoulders.
"I thought I'd let you know that we're leaving in ten minutes."
Piper grabbed her cloak and bonnet and put her rosary beads inside of a handbag.
"You're bringing those with you?"
"Yes! So I can pray for your wicked soul. It'll need all the help it can get."
Annabeth always treated Piper's Catholicism like an eccentricity to be looked at with wry indulgence. Piper simply rolled her eyes and continued with her prayers.
It was her own self who Piper was praying for. She had done something she sincerely regretted and hoped that God would send tell her away to atone for it. Though Annabeth would never admit it, Miss Titan and Lieutenant Jackson's flirtation bothered her. And it bothered Piper as well. She had nothing against Miss Titan but when her friend's happiness was in jeopardy, she had to intervene.
A note and a misunderstanding had lured Miss Titan to the Guy Fawkes Day bonfire, thinking she would meet with Lieutenant Jackson. To her great same, Piper was behind both the note and the misunderstanding. It was a cruel, stupid thing to do and she hated herself for doing it.
She overheard two maids gossiping about how they had seen Miss Titan sneaking back into the house through the servants quarters. Such behavior would get the poor girl sent home in disgrace, her reputation destroyed. Piper vowed that she would do everything in her power to keep this gossip from spreading.

The Grace family's black, green, and yellow landau waited outside of the castle to bring them to Praetor's Assembly Rooms in Olympus.

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Praetor's was Olympus's answer to London's fabled Almack's

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Praetor's was Olympus's answer to London's fabled Almack's. Only the cream of the county were admitted into its hallowed halls. The Graces were at the top of the list of those deemed worthy enough to own a voucher to attend dances there.

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