07: KISS [nsfw]

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     you placed your phone between your ear and shoulder, both of your hands busy chopping up some meat for your dinner. it was around seven in the evening and, truth be told, you just got back after a long day out with eren. you told him you'd be coming back around five but the damn male managed to convince you every time to stay a bit longer.

     "y/n, nile told me you just got home. why is that?" floch's voice sounded lifeless, but there was a bit of an edge to it that made you knit your eyebrows together. "do remember that nile isn't entirely your driver. he has other places to go."

     "oh, crap. i'm so sorry... i didn't know he was busy! i hang out with a friend of mine and got home a little later, that's why i had to ask nile to drive me home." you answered sheepishly, putting the knife down to put your phone on speaker before placing it on top of the marble table. "my friend actually offered to drive me home but i'm not ready to tell him why i suddenly moved into a new apartment so i thought that nile would be the best bet... i'm sorry."

     floch was silent for a few moments and for whatever reason, it made you anxious. was he angry? concerned? you had no idea but soon, you heard him release a tired sigh. "okay, just don't do it again."

     "is that all? i'm kinda cooking right now." you shuffled to the side, placing the chopped meat in an empty plate. you rummaged through your fridge for some onions, waiting for floch's answer only to get silence in return.

     your lips turned to a slight frown as you turned around, thinking that he had already hangup without even saying goodbye. however, his call id was still flashing on the screen making you furrow your brows. "hello?" you called out again.

     "ah, sorry. i'm on my way there, see you."

     "wait, what?!"

     the call ended soon after, your jaw hanging open as you stared at the blank screen. why was it that this rich ginger was so full of surprises?

     "what the hell does he want?" you muttered to yourself before shaking your head. you turned around to finish your cooking, pushing the fact that he was coming over at the back of your mind.

     you stared at the onion for a few seconds with pursed lips, i guess i have to make two of what i'm making now.

     by the time you were done with cooking, the high-pitched doorbell cut the serene atmosphere of the penthouse. you jumped at the shrieking sound, almost dropping the plate you were holding. fixing the plates and utensils at the table, you wiped your hands on your shorts before rushing to the door.

     yelling 'wait' would be useless when you heard the doorbell ring again, considering that the kitchen was far away from the living room room and a certain ginger wouldn't hear you when you yell it. curse this large penthouse!

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