chapter 3

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I take a voluminous breathe into my lungs. It was the meeting with the Blood Fountain pack and the air is as thick as butter.
I think the Blood Fountain werewolves are real weirdos. While we get to wear all the clothes we want (I have on a blood orange ombré shirt with a halter neckline and sequins like fire (for the Phoenix pack) and knee-length cuffed jeans and earrings with rubies and a jewel necklace with a Phoenix).
The Blood Fountains are ambiguous in other ways too. The men shave their heads (but you can't see it because of the black robes). They kissed my hand when I entered their sumptuous pack house. Then they kissed the guards' hands too!
I get my IPhone X out to take a picture but one of their wolves, a black man with green eyes, directe "No phones allowed, Miss."
Okay, boomer, I ruminate.
We go into a room shaped like a circle with no lights. In the middle there's a fire in a stone bowl. We all stand around the fire. The omega wolves from the Blood Fountain pack all take an ember from the fire and put it on their hands. It burns in and leaves a mark.
"Our omegas now bear the mark of this meeting because when they see the burn they will remember that we are allied with the Phoenix," describes the alpha, Jairo.
"That's barbaric!" yells Janet.
"Janet, I know it's burdensome, but this is very importunate for our alliance. Sometimes alphas' daughters have to make sacrifices," I console.
"Now when you get home you will tell your omegas to cut their right arms with the ceremonial blade. They will remember that you are allied with the Blood Fountain," the Alpha murmurs.
The omegas promenade out of the room. "alsi It's important for you to know something about Davis's beta... he is leading a new pack called the Brigade," the alpha informs.
"WHAT!" I cry, "He killed Eddie!"
"Yes, it's egregious that Sunscreech is still among us, but our alliance will dispel their pack in due time," Jairo hushes."Phoenix possesses a gift for your pack," I negotiate. I wave my hand at Gamma Tom and he unearths a picture.
"We built this statue for your pack," Tom discussed. The statue is pure black, like Oscuro, with a gold base, like Jessica. It shows a ballet dancer with her leg high above her head. She is half in her human form and half in her wolf form. The sculptor, Shasta, used me as the model. I didn't think I looked very good but she did.
"We have a gift for you too. The Blood Fountain pack believes in bestowing our most cherished possessions unto our allies. So because of that we give you a gift, Alpha Nick's daughter. This is how we have signed treaties for a century. It is of most paramountcy that you value this as much as we will value your statue. We will value the statue forever. Therefore you will value our gift forever. We believe in true entrustment and harmony, so today we give you a symbol to showcase how sonorously our packs must trust eachother," he pointed out.
"We would be honored to accept the gift, Alpha," I told him.
A she-wolf came into the room. Her head was dropped down and she was moving slowly. She carried a basket in her teeth.
I looked in the basket. Inside was........
"Babies?!!?" I screamed.

Dad is holding me in his lap as I hold the babies. "I'm a mommy. I'm a mommy. I'm a mommy. I'm a mommy," I repeat fervently.
"Everything is ok, baby girl," Dad whispers in my ear, "You're going to love them as much as I love you."
"I already do," I giggle, "I need to buy baby clothes tomorrow, and other baby supplies."
One of the babies blows a rasberry and the other giggles. I love them more every single second.
"What will I name them?" I enquire.
"Hmm... how about Joshua, because you were born under a joshua tree?" Dad suggests.
"I love that story," I whisper.
Dad strokes my head. "I don't know the name for the other one," he bemoans.
"I had a dream about a beach last night. Eddie was on the beach," I describe. Tears spring to my eyes at the mention of him, "Eddie told me that we would have a kid. He said he would find a way to help me have a baby. Do you think that means anything?" I ask my dad.
"Today is the anniversary of the battle! Maybe it does," muses Nick, "We should name the baby after Eddie."
"But Dad, she's a girl!" I complain.
"You're right. Instead, we'll call her Ellie," explains the alpha.
"Ellie... Josiah..." I whisper. I kiss their soft heads, "I'm a mommy...

thanks again to my girl____friend for writing this chapter for me!

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