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Sunscreech POV

My wife tossed Elsa down into the cellars in the dark dungeons of the caverns. According to my scouts, the remainder of the army (around 2000 troops, including Jairo) had fled. It didn't matter, they wouldn't last. I walked downstairs to the tombs, where my project was at work. My smartest pack members were currently trying to recreate the robot that Antonio had sent. It was going along better than expected, they said that they'd have it down within a month or so. I smirked inside my helmet. World domination... finally within my grasp.

Janet POV

We had just finished setting up camp when the soldiers returned.

some of them anyway.


I held Joshua and Ellie as I waited beside Alpha Nick's bed as Jairo explained everything. He left after a while to help get more tents and such set up. "I guess I'm your mommy now..." I whispered to the babies as they cooed. I held them for a while before looking at Nick. I didn't know what we were going to do now... And then I noticed as his fist slowly clenched.

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