32: Epilogue

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Chaeyoung and Mi Na had come back into their allies, and they had already killed almost all the attackers in the branch lair, while some cultists were still cowering behind the walls. They quickly ran to the Seekers and rejoined with their friends.

"Mi Na sajangnim! Are you alright?" Mr. Kim asked and assisted Chaeyoung in holding the lady, expressing her concern. Mi Na gave a gentle nod and looked at the Grim Reapers who were showing their worried faces. Prime Seeker came to her and bowed as a sign of gratitude for helping him. Soon, they heard wings flapping and saw Jeong Yeon as a falcon flying above them, looking at them once more before looking back at her men.

"The Horn, fall back! To the main lair!" she instructed and flew away out of the branch lair. All the surviving Horn cultists and attackers nodded and transformed into gas-like abstract beings, joining their master soon after while Mi Na and Chaeyoung only looked at them, the latter still in confusion from the name Jeong Yeon called her earlier. She averted her eyes to the lady that was groaning in pain, and held her hand, calming her down, assuring her everything's alright.

"I guess they have retreated for good." Sashin breathed out, looking at the cultists and attackers that were fleeing. The Seekers looked up too, in a state of relief that they had finally released themselves from their own prison they could not escape from, taking off the masks that had cursed them.

"Dahyunnie....she's..she's-" Chaeyoung sobbed, but then Mi Na held the girl's cheeks, surprising her. She gave her a warm smile, shaking her head.

"Gwaenchana, she's okay." Mi Na assured her, patting her back. "I saved her, she's at my hotel now." Mi Na then stood up properly and looked at the Seekers. "Thank you, all four of you, for joining the right cause." she bowed. "I am sorry for your father." she looked at Yeolgu with apologetic eyes. "Forgive me."

The Seeker smiled back at her and returned the respectful bow, indicating that he had no more grudges against her.

"I am sure my father has no more hatred for you, Scarlet Hawk. What matters is that now, we fight for what we believe is right." he stated and looked at the other Seekers who agreed to him. "Now, what're we going to do, brothers?" he tilted his head. Galsung and Geulom looked at the Prime Seeker like how subordinates would look up to their leader. The Prime Seeker heaved a heavy sighed while humming.

"We are going on our own now." he declared proudly. "Now, since we have no more bounds, we can explore the world further, see what other places exist other than the Living Realm." he stated while looking at them. "We are in your debt, Scarlet Hawk, for saving our lives from the harsh horror they have inflicted on us. You have my gratitude." he kneeled down to Mi Na, followed by the other Seekers.

"Since we have saved Miss Son, what're we going to do, sajangnim?" Mr. Kim yawned in exhaustion, stretching his body as he averted his eyes to his boss. Mi Na took a deep breath and looked at them all around her before particularly looking at Chaeyoung who was smiling at her. Now she felt at ease and much safer with the girl.

"Let's go home." she smiled and breathed out.


Scarlet Hotel
4:20 a.m.

The six Grim Reapers, along with Mr. Kim, Mi Na and Chaeyoung teleported back to the hotel, right at the lobby while all the other guests were still asleep safe and sound. Mrs. Sana and Hyung San happily welcomed them back and ran to Mr. Park as they hugged their best friend, thanking the gods above that he's safe. They then approached Mi Na and Mrs. Sana held her to help Chaeyoung.

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