5) SooKai

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Ship: Soobin and huening kai ( later referred to as 'kai' )

Soobin's POV
I hate virtual classes. This was the first thing i thought of when I was arranging my bedroom (for example removing my towel from the background, asking everyone repeatedly to not enter my room during the class, dressing up in a good shirt-coat wearing shorts etc etc).
Another thing to hate was teachers could now control us a lot. We couldn't talk or chat with our friends. If we did and s/he found out, they directly remove us from the class without even asking or reading the chat. Even if we are just asking a question which was unclear due to network issues. Then again number of times these issues pop up is more than i can count.

You know it very well that network , talk to friends isn't the reason, right.........

Small voice. A very tiny voice in my head spoke revealing the only secret I asked it to keep, to the readers.

Very well. Let me explain.
I may or may not have a small *smaller than the voice crush on a person. More specifically my classmate.

That person is the largest soft toys collector i have ever known, sometimes I feel like that he is a toddler in a body of 18 year old. Also I had a ideal type-my significant other should be shorter than me no doubt but not too short. He fits this description very well. He is about 5 centimeters shorter than me which is perfect according to me. For example if I want to kiss his head I don't have to bend down too much, which is something i always dreamt of.

Will you shut up now.

I glared at my self focusing of my forehead while looking at the mirror cursing my mind in my head.

Well I conclude by saying Kai Kamal Huening is perfect, maybe not for everyone but he is for me.

Tring tring
Tring tring ( please think of it as ringtone )
Soobin picked up his call without looking at the name. He was shocked to the core when he heard the dolphin screech of the very man he was thinking about.

RIP his ears

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RIP his ears.


Kai's POV
I screamed in frustration when i realized that there is absolutely no way to arrange my cute-extra-large collection of soft toys. I should have listened to Taehyun, but I hate the fact that he is always right.

Thanks to lockdown or he would have arrived at my house only to throw away few of my soft toys. His reason "he has so many that he won't realize even if one or two are missing".

He is so cruel. His reason for this "life isnt fair, its how you see it ".

Can someone make him understand that my soft toys are soooo cute that I can never manage to throw them away. I sincerely wish one of his boyfriends preferably Beomgyu hyung would make his small head see different side of the coin.

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