7) Yeonhyun

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"I am going to ride the bus soon, ma. Will message you as soon as I reach my destination"

"Will you still not tell me where you are going ?"

"Sorry ma, but no. I just need to let something go but I am not able to accept it, so I am going there to convince myself that either everything was my imagination or that I have lost him."He said the last part in a small voice.

"ummm, fine but don't forget to message me when you reach wherever you want to go. "

"Yeah yeah mom"

"Don't show me attitude young man until and unless you want a smack to the head "

"So-sorry ma. Bye love you"


Yeonjun's POV

It is eveningI am now settled by myself on a seat which can easily fit 3 people and can see the scenery changing . Soon (nearly 20 minutes) I will be out of the city. While thinking about all this I remembered how it started.............

It started with me finding a pamphlet in newspaper about a dance class near my school which was starting new courses which will commence from this Saturday. I decided to go there today after classes end. I checked my watch and saw it was already half past eight. I put the pamphlet in my bag and quickly ate something and left for my classes.

(Time skip brought to you by the ghost in eternally mv)

Its 4 and my classes are finally over. I decided to check out the dance class.
"Yay" i can join from tomorrow. I was super excited.

(Time skip next day around 3:50 brought to you by wings on Kai's back - nap of the star.)

I excitedly (AND a bit nervously though I wouldn't admit it back then) entered the class with a smile and heard someone call me- it was the teacher along with the receptionist who registered me yesterday.

"you must be the new student Yeonjun. this is (pointing to a well built man next to her) is the main choreographer, main teacher and owner of this place- Kang Taehyun. And sir this is your new student studying in nearby school - Choi Yeonjun.....
yeonjun if you have any problem, you can either approach sir or I am always here...". the receptionist introduced us and left right.

I looked at the sir and bowed. he started laughing and I thought I did something wrong.

"you don't need to bow to me, I am probably your age or just a bit older.....anyways whats your age???"

"I will turn 19 this year"

"then I am younger than you by a year, so you don't need to bow to me...we always practice as friends here....the rest of the class won't come today...so do you want to learn the previous dances?"

"YES YES ....I am sorry if I was loud, I am just excited..."

"I told you its alright We. Are. Friends. here, and no need to be so formal with me, just loosen up and we shall start"

and it was a start of our friendship which will eventually lead to something more. I was training there to become a solo dancer and would participate in a solo performance nearly 2 months from my joining date. we talked, and went around on friendly dates...I basically enjoyed those 2 months so much I wished that it could be like this forever





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