Rhaegar V

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Looking down at the city it could almost be described as having returned to normal. It was incredible to see how a near sense of normalcy returned after only a short time. They had worked quickly to remove bodies from the street and have them buried or burnt to avoid an outbreak of diseases. Rhaegar had put the remaining Knights and Goldcloaks that had fought against him under guard, pending a decision to be made on what to do with them. Ser Richard Lonmouth had seen to it, ensuring they were guarded by men loyal to Rhaegar. But it was inside the Red Keep where the biggest problems lay. It was clear for all to see that Robert Baratheon hated Rhaegar. But the Lord of Storms End could hardly act on his hatred after they had agreed to peace. Hoster Tully wasn't to be trusted. But Tywin Lannister was the biggest concern. The Lannister Lord had ambition eclipsing that of Hoster Tully's, and was far more ruthless and cunning. Yes now the rains weep o'er his halls, and not a soul to hear. Those who stood in the way of Tywin Lannister were swiftly dealt with. And currently, Rhaegar had Tywin's prized son locked away.

Ser Jamie Lannister was currently locked in a small guest chamber. He was to be allowed no visitors unless they had Rhaegar's permission. If it had been Eddard Stark who had snapped and cut down Aerys there would be far fewer issues, after all who could blame Eddard Stark for avenging his father and brother? But the Lord of Winterfell had found Aerys Targaryen in a pool of his own blood and Jaime Lannister sat on the Iron Throne with his bloodied sword across his lap. The Lannister Knight had gone without a struggle. By the time Rhaegar had arrived at the throne room Eddard Stark had been simmering with rage. But Ser Jaime had meekly gone by. The cocky boy who was the youngest Knight of the Kingsguard had changed to being solemn and meek when Rhaegar told him that he be kept under guard for now.

But that was not Rhaegar's only pressing concern. Now that his father was dead, without the trial they had agreed upon, although if they had held a trial it would have only been a formality. The former rebels were now only waiting on Lyanna being safe for the war to truly be officially over. Eddard Stark was to leave in due haste. He would ride to Storms End and inform Mace Tyrell of events. The siege of Storm's End was to come to an immediate end and Lord Tyrell was to send food to the castle by Rhaegar's order's. After that Eddard Stark would ride for the Red Mountains of Dorne to Lyanna. Within a month, perhaps two, the realm would know the truth.

It was torturous to be without Lyanna for Rhaegar. He longed for her ever since they parted. He missed her wildness, he had never met a noble woman who could ride a horse better than half the Knights the court. Then there was her beauty. Not a calculated beauty like many ladies. Who must spend half a day meticulously styling their hair and choosing the perfect dress. Lyanna was stunning in breeches and a shirt, hair a mess from riding all day. Then there was their daughter, the Visenya to join Rhaenys and Aegon. The third head of the dragon. Two sister's to help the Prince that was Promised end the darkness. Whatever mercy the gods have, we shall need it if Aegon and the realm are not ready. Rhaegar's attention was taken by a knock on his chamber door. It opened and Elia walked in.

"Rhaegar, I need to talk to you." Elia said curtly.

"Of course... Come in. Sit down."

Elia strode into the room. Her sleeveless dress in the colours of House Martell billowing in the slight breeze. The door closed behind her and the couple sat at Rhaegar's dining table. it was odd for Rhaegar to think they had once been close. His father's madness had driven a wedge between them. Then Rhaegar had burned what was left of their relationship. But Elia could no longer bear children, and the dragon must have three heads, the Targaryen line needed to be strengthened for what was to come.

"When am I leaving for Dorne?" Elia said, breaking the silence.

"What do you mean?" He replied, perplexed.

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