Elia III

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"I'm going to speak to my brother."

Elia watches as Lyanna Stark leaves their husband's side and walks down to sit with her brother. Elia casts her eyes over to Rhaegar before turning back to look at Lyanna and her brother.

"You know she's not as beautiful as I imagined." Elia says, causing Rhaegar to look up at her. "Don't misunderstand me. She is pretty. But I was expecting someone as beautiful as Ash or Cersei Lannister to walk through those gates. Not some small woman with plain hair and eyes in grubby clothes and a baby slung over her front."

"Are you quite finished?" Rhaegar asks.

"I believe so dearest. Anything you would like to add, my love?"

Rhaegar doesn't answer. Instead taking a gulp of wine and going back to looking over the hall.

Elia finds herself lonely. Her closest friend thousands of leagues away and having not received word on her pregnancy which surely must be nearing its end by now, if she hadn't already given birth. Elia worries for Ashara, given her own troubles with falling pregnant, birthing and... And being barren how could she not? And Oberyn, off gallivanting around Essos in exile with whichever women take his fancy or sellswords bring the most fun.

With both of them so far away loneliness comes easy to Elia. Of course, her uncle is never far from her. Whilst she loves him dearly it's not the same as being around her closest friend and her brother.

Looking down upon Lyanna Stark, Elia can't help but be jealous of her. She has everything Elia has wanted. Rhaegar's love, her brother by her side and from the way she speaks with many of the northerners, friends.

In an attempt to rid her mind of her thoughts away from her jealousy of Lyanna Stark, she turns back to Rhaegar.

"Are you actually expecting Balon Greyjoy to come and swear fealty to you?" She asks her husband. "Did his father not fall in battle against some Reach men?"

"Yes, Quellon Greyjoy did perish fighting against the Reach. I only hope that his sons take after him in trying to reform the Iron Islands to have better relations with the rest of the Seven Kingdoms."

"Hope? So you don't actually know their views then? Whether they will peacefully come her or whether the Iron Fleet shall loot the coast."

"Varys claims to not have many spies on the Iron Islands. And none close to any of the four Greyjoys."

"Perhaps the Spider has outlived his usefulness. What good is a Master of Whisperers if he doesn't know what people whisper." Elia chuckles. "I think even Oberyn would be a better Master of Whisperers."

"Yes, well Prince Oberyn isn't here."

Suddenly, all of the emotions that Elia has bottled up for weeks burst free. Sadness, hate, jealousy, loneliness and worry.

"I'm well aware of that." She snaps. "Go back to spending time with your glorified mistress. I'll be going to see our children."

She gathers her skirts and storms from the great hall. Not even bothering to check a Kingsguard is following her. She hurriedly makes her way through the vast hallway of the Red Keep towards where her and Rhaenys' chambers are. She passes several Lords and Knights pawing at a mix of servants and whores in alcoves. She ignores them. Her focus solely on being back with her children instead of the hall with Rhaegar and Lyanna Stark.

After some minutes she arrives at where Rhaenys and her own chambers are. She promptly enters Rhaenys' chamber to find both of her children engrossed in a game with their nanny, Maria. However, once they notice that the is in the room with them, her children soon come over.

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