Rhaegar VIII

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It had finally been arranged. His coronation would be held in three days. Rhaegar had tried his hardest to make the ceremony and subsequent celebrations as short as possible. It seemed highly illogical bordering on insanity to spend several hours inside the Sept of Baelor listening to the High Septon talk endlessly. And then go back to the Red Keep for a massive feast whilst many were starving, homeless or orphans. Rhaegar wanted to work as quickly as possible to right past wrongs. If High Septon Maynard hadn't have passed then Rhaegar would've likely been successful. Alas, the man who officiated his wedding to Lyanna had passed peacefully in his sleep.

Unfortunately, his successor was much more interested in the pomp of ceremonies of the faith, judging from his pompous accent, golden crown and silk clothes. Rhaegar had to give much more than he wished but he was already on difficult terms with the faith. So unwilling to risk a potentially devastating uprising from the faith he allowed the new High Septon much more freedom with the ceremony than he truly wished for. Thus the ceremony would last for several hours.

Fortunately, he was entirely in control of the feast and celebrations that would follow his coronation. He would need to portray the strength of his house but to unessecary lengths as there are many less fortunate people that gold could be spent helping. Therefore he only arranged for four courses to be prepared. It was hardly a grand feast, Rhaegar could remember a feast with twenty courses, but it would suffice for a time when many are suffering. Any food that went uneaten would be distributed to the various orphanages of Kings Landing. In addition, there would be minimal gold spent decorating the Red Keep for the celebrations. The gold would be far better spent on rebuilding the Seven Kingdoms.

Rhaegar's thoughts are interrupted by a young squire brings him a scroll, stating that it had just arrived in the rookery and Grandmaester Pycelle sent him as he was with Lyanna. Upon seeing the sigil of his house pressed into the seal a feeling of elation rushes through Rhaegar. He quickly dismissed the squire and heads to his solar. He breaks the seal and opens the scroll, a smile spreading across his face as he reads.

My son,

It fills me with great joy to know that you are safe and unhurt. Ser Willem and the rest of your father's dogs had hidden all of your letters to me. I've spent the last few hours reading them and I believe we shall have stern words when I return to Kings Landing.

Unfortunately, that may be some time away. The gods have seen fit to gift or curse me with another babe. I'm still several months away from the birth, however.

Ser Jaime has told me of events in the capital. Everything. I'm grateful it is him you sent to guard Viserys and I. I ask that when he returns that you treat him fairly. He's a truer Knight than anyone else for what he has done.

Viserys struggles with the death of your father, fortunately, he does not know of Ser Jaime's involvement but it is only a matter of time. I fear your father has tried to fill your brother's mind with many of his own delusions including that you're a traitor to our family. I pray that he is young enough for us to rid his mind of your father's poisonous words.

However, I look forward to us meeting again my son. Perhaps it'll be with another babe.


The feeling of joy to know that his mother and brother are safe is impossible to quash with his mothers more disturbing words. He does dread what his mother had to go through in those final weeks with his father and how Viserys truly is. But the elation to know that they are both safe and well is far greater.

Just as he places the scroll down on his desk, Ser Arthur Dayne enters his solar saying that Tywin Lannister is outside and wishes for a meeting. Rhaegar sighs but tells his friend to let the Lord of Casterly Rock inside.

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