Eddard IV

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Walking through the gardens of the Red Keep was surprisingly peaceful. Given how packed full of people the city was, Ned had assumed that this would've spread here. But to his surprise, the gardens of the Red Keep were mostly empty. Well, apart from one rather loud young woman and her son.

Ned hears and then sees Lyanna playing a game with Jaehaerys that has the little boy laughing loudly. Lyanna notices Ned walking towards them and scoops Jaehaerys up into her arms.

"Look Jae, Uncle Ned has come out."

Ned smiles as his little nephew gurgle's some kind of reply. Ned walks up to them both.

"How has the little Prince been? Behaving for your mother?" Ned says teasingly.

"Of course he has. Jae is a little angel aren't you?"

Lyanna tickles Jaehaerys belly and he explodes into a fit of giggles causing Ned and Lyanna to laugh. It's strange to see his little sister as not just a mother, but as such a caring one. With how strongly she had opposed marriage and being a 'broodmare', as she described it, it came as a strange but good surprise to see how much Lyanna cares for Jaehaerys.

After a while, Lyanna stops tickling Jaehaerys and they start to walk around the gardens. All around Ned can hear birds chirping, creating a pleasant melody.

"So what brings you out here Ned?" Lyanna asks.

Ned sighs.

"I just needed some peace somewhere. Inside the castle is far to busy for my tastes. It makes Winterfell look like a tiny village with how busy it is. And shouldn't you have a Kingsguard with you?"

Lyanna tuts and rolls her eyes.

"Yes. Rhaegar was very insistent. Ser Oswell! My brother wishes to know that Jae and I haven't been left alone."

From around the corner of neatly trimmed bushes comes the white armoured Ser Oswell Whent.

"Your grace, my Lord." Ser Oswell bows.

"See Ned? Jae and I are perfectly safe."

"You'd be safe without me, your grace. I'm just here to make sure the person in your way doesn't get hurt too badly." Ser Oswell grins.

"Your humour is as funny as usual Ser Oswell." Lyanna replies.

"Thank you, your grace." Ser Oswell replies sarcastically. "I do try. This place has been devoid of fun and laughter for so long. That Lannister you met the other day, Gerion, he's always laugh. There was one time the Prince and Barristan went out of the castle and they came back stumbling drunk. Ha! What a night that was."

Ser Oswell continues recounting the past with Lyanna occasionally conversing when stories about Prince Rhaegar come up. Ned starts to lose interest in the conversation and drift off to observe the nature around them until someone Ned is much more familiar with comes up.

"-and Arthur's sister too! She lit up any room she was in. Even had honourable Barristan 'The Bold' questioning his vows of celibacy ha!"

"Thank you, Ser Oswell." Lyanna says tersely. "My brother and I would like to continue our walk now."

"Oh... As you wish Princess." Ser Oswell bows and walks to several paces away from them.

Lyanna turns to Ned and he can see the concerned expression across her face.

"I'm sorry Ned. That can't have been nice to hear." She says solemnly.

"It's fine Lya." Ned replies.

He tries to keep a straight face as to not portray how he feels inside to Lyanna.

"Ned you're terrible at lying. I'm your sister, you can talk about anything to me."

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